Chapter 134

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He did come home with me and we’d barely gotten in the garage before I had his jacket off.

We stumbled backwards into the dark kitchen and my back hit the edge of the island as Guigs yanked my skirt off, not even bothering with the zipper this time…and my underwear were in the bottom of my purse somewhere.

We’d already left a clothing trail from the garage door; Guigsy’s jacket, our shoes, my coat; my purse. He lifted me on the counter; ripping buttons open, exposing my bare chest…I think I left my bra at the office…oops.

He immediately pinched one of my nipples between his teeth and I leaned my head back hissing in pain; his hair was thick between my fingers as I pulled gently on it.
He pulled me down, wrapping my legs around his waist and I leaned into him, kissing his neck as he walked through the room.
He laid me on my back on the kitchen table….the new kitchen table; and I fell back, letting my legs fall open.
He didn’t need to make sure this time…and he didn’t

I wrapped my arms around him, my fingernails disappearing into the flesh of his shoulders as he thrust forward.
He groaned in pain, I moaned with pleasure leaning my head back; I laughed breathlessly, I could feel the table moving underneath us…it wasn’t so sturdy after all.

“The table’s gonna-“

 I started breathlessly, but before I could finish my sentence I heard that all too familiar crack of the wood giving out under our weight.
I squeezed my eyes shut and wrapped my arms around him tighter as we hit the floor.
Guigs caught himself on the now broken table top so as not to crush me underneath him.

He looked down at me holding himself up on his arms and I just stared back for a minute before I started laughing.

I grabbed the back of his neck pulling him closer and pushing the table from my mind as I pushed my tongue past his lips.
He started to move again, moaning against my mouth as I rolled my hips into his.


I let out a hoarse scream, collapsing on Guigsy’s chest breathing hard; it felt like my lungs were on fire.

I shuddered under his touch as he wrapped his arms around me, I could feel his heart slamming in his chest against my cheek.

We were lying in the bedroom and had most definitely broken some sort of record for having the most sex in one place…I lost count at five; and every orgasm had been better than the last.

I sat up just enough to look at the clock on the nightstand and groaned lying back on his chest and closing my eyes.

“I have to be up for work in twenty minutes”

“The sun’s coming up” he said quietly, his voice vibrating in his chest.

I turned my head to look out the bedroom window and sure enough there was faint light peeking in through the curtains.

I sighed stretching out, wrapping my arms around his torso before I started to sit up

“I have to start getting ready for work”

“Just don’t go” he said groggily as I pulled myself out of bed

“I have to go, Maggie’s going to call me this morning and if I’m not there I’ll have some serious explaining to do”

I went into the bathroom leaving the door slightly ajar and got in the shower.

I was halfway through washing the conditioner out of my hair when I heard the door creak open further.

I pulled the curtain back just enough to look out and Guigs was standing in front of the sink, still naked, drinking from the glass I usually left on the counter.

The Girl In The Dirty Shirt Liam VersionWhere stories live. Discover now