Chapter 109

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The next two nights Liam had a show at Earl's Court and he begged me to go with them on the second night.

"C'mon babe, you're my good luck charm; can't play without you"

I scoffed pulling the curling iron from my hair looking at his reflection in the mirror. "You don't need me there, I'm just a distraction"

"A very good distraction" Liam whispered against my neck as I put the curling iron down on the counter.

"Stop" I giggled trying to squirm out of his arms as he kissed me. "My curls have to set!"

I shrieked with surprise when he swept me off my feet. I threw my head back laughing as I put my arms around his neck.


"Come with me" he smiled carrying me down the hall to the bedroom.

"I don't want to!" I whined "Meg's going to be there"

"So?" He said and it wasn't lost on me that he had to shift me in his arms because I was so heavy. "Who cares about 'er?"

He laid me on my back on the bed and leaned over me.

"You're going to crush my curls" I smiled holding his face in my hands before he kissed me gently.

"You'll be beau'iful no matter what"

I smiled pushing his bangs back and kissed him again. "You're too sweet to me"

"Come with me" Liam said again. "Y'got your hair all fancy an' everythin' already anyway" he said lifting one of my curls and wrapping it around his finger. "Y'got a date with one of those band boys or summat?"

"No darling, sometimes I just like to look pretty"

"Are y'comin' or what?"

I laughed "You're not going to take no for an answer are you?"

He shook his head "Can't 'ave y'goin' out with Peter while I'm workin'"

I frowned "Peter?" I laughed a little "You mean Pierre?"

He waved his hand dismissively as he stood up pulling his shirt off over his head.

"You're ambitious" I laughed a little sitting up on my elbows

He turned around from the closet looking at me confused. "Huh?"

I shook my head with a laugh as he pulled out a clean shirt.



Despite my whining and bitching I went to Earl's Court and lucky me, Meg was there and despite what happened the other night at the bar I still tried to be civil with her; she would have been happier chewing off her own hand than being nice to me.

I sighed sitting on the couch next to Guigs who pulled me into his lap with a smile.

"Hi gorgeous" he kissed my cheek as I watched Liam with Bonehead on the floor.

"Hi Guigs"

"What y'doin' worryin' about 'er likin' you anyway?" He asked quietly next to my ear. "She's a twat"

I giggled leaning against his neck. "Don't be rude"

"Oh fuck off, you're thinkin' it, I just said it"

"I'm still your favourite though, right?" I asked pushing my fingers through his hair, studying his face.

He nodded with a smile and a wink. "Always"

The Girl In The Dirty Shirt Liam VersionWhere stories live. Discover now