At that moment, The principal came up behind us. "Girls, to my office," he said, so we followed him there.

Lauren's POV

I hadn't remembered what it felt like to ever be proud of myself. After first period, I realized that the feeling was very nice to feel.

Yet I had a plan brewing inside of my head, and honestly nothing could interfere with it. Not even feeling nice for once, because I knew that it would all go away shortly.

My theory was proved after second period. Demi had missed, which I found was odd, but I decided not to look into it. Anyways, I was getting ready for art class when Camz barged into the room.

"Lauren, I have to talk to you," my sister came up to me nervously. "What is it?" I asked in a worried tone. I could tell by looking into her eyes that she was incredibly scared of something.

"Geoffrey's mad at me and he's going to tell Bryce," she whispered. "What did you do?" I asked. "I ditched second period. In my defense Demi was crying and Selena and I were trying to help," Camz rushed.

Putting my head in my hand, I sighed. If my plan worked, I'd never have to deal with Geoffrey or Bryce anymore. Then again, the thought of my sister alone with both of them frightened me. "I'll go talk to him, okay? Go to class," I assured my little sister. She hugged me tightly, then headed off to her class.

As soon as she left, I hurried to Geoffrey's office. "Ah, Lauren, just the girl I never wanted to see," Geoffrey commented as I walked into his office. He had an evil glint in his eyes.

"What will it take for you to not tell Bryce about Camz ditching?" I demanded. "Nothing from you," he replied simply. "What do you want?" I asked. "For you to do most of the work for the next week," Geoffrey stated. "Done," I replied.

"Fabulous. Now get to class whore," Geoffrey gritted through his teeth. I did as such without a word; I hated being in his presence.

Class passed by quickly, an before I knew it, it was time for lunch. Normally, I'd walk alone to the cafeteria, yet that day, Normani came up to me after class. We hadn't spoken to each other all week.

"May my friends and I talk to you?" Normani asked me. I nodded as I followed her out of the classroom slowly.

Camila's POV

Fear was all that was coursing through my veins after second period. Selena was trying to comfort me, but she didn't understand what I was going through. Bryce hated me; he could do anything.

Once lunch came around, Selena told me that she didn't want to eat in the cafeteria with everybody else. She wanted to eat outside on the grass with me, and texted Demi to let us know where we were in case she needed us.

Without another thought, I went outside with her. We sat down together in the grass underneath a tree. Selena and I chatted with each other for a while.

"How are things going on with Harry?" Selena asked randomly towards the end of lunch. "Okay, I guess, he hasn't asked me out again, so I guess we're not dating or anything," I confessed. "Well if you want to, you should ask him out," Selena said. "I know, but I don't know if I want to," I trailed off.

"Do you like anyone?" I asked curiously after a moment. Selena began to blush. "You do, who is it?" I asked. "No one," she murmured. "Come on, you could trust me," I pleaded.

Selena sighed. "I guess I'm going to have to tell you, don't I?" she asked. I nodded excitedly. "Tell me," I urged her.

Just as Selena was opening her mouth, Vanessa and Ashley came up to us. "Hey," Selena said, seeming relieved. "Hey, do you know where Lauren, Demi, and Miley are?" Vanessa asked. We both shook our heads. "That's weird," Ashley commented.

The four of us chatted until we had to go to class. Last period was chemistry class. I was glad to be sitting with Selena so that she could tell me who she liked.

During the while class, I bugged her. "Come on tell me," I pleaded, yet Selena kept refusing to tell me who it was. Even though I continued to pester her, she still wouldn't tell me.

Finally, when there was only five minutes left of class, Selena gave in. "If I tell you, can you promise not to tell anyone?" Selena asked. I nodded. She sighed.

"I like you," she whispered. I looked at her and smiled. "I like you too, now seriously tell me who you like like," I told her. "I just did," she replied in a soft voice.

Realizing she was serious about this, I nodded. "That's cool," I told her. I was then saved by the bell. "I have to get going, but I'll talk to you over the brake, okay?" I told her. I took my pen and wrote my house number on her hand.

"Bye," I said with a smile. "Bye," she said with a bigger smile. With that, I rushed out of the class and headed to my locker to leave.

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