And History Repeats

Start from the beginning

"The smallest disturbance could cause it to collapse on itself, and it'll take forever to rebuild. Who knows what Bill could do by then!"

"AHAHAHA! DID SOMEONE SAY MY NAME?" I should have seen that coming. Regardless, Bill's booming voice from nowhere was far more routinely than it used to be.

A man's silhouette appeared in the dirt. It reached out a hand, the shadowed arm extending into the air. Its other hand did the same, and the figure lifted itself up until into a tall, prideful stand.

I backed myself and Mabel into a dark corner. Stan took a fighting stance, aggression and irritation quickly overtaking him. Soos stood straight and his face hardened sternly.

"Get outta here before I snap your puny neck!" Stan shouted with a powerful hand sweep.

Bill swept some dirt off his shoulder. "Oh, please. You can't kill what's already dead, Moon."

"Do you think I can get him with my grappling hook?" Mabel asked in a whisper as she pulled out the gun. "Or my bedazzler?" she added, pulling it from her sweater sleeve.

"How about neither?" Bill said, a rush of dust encasing his silhouette. Everything that had flown up stuck fast to him. "Gee, Dipper, what's the matter? Mabel?" His head slowly turned 180 degrees to look at us.

"AAAH!" Mabel sprung up, bedazzler and grappling hook in hand. She fired a storm of jewels at Bill.

"Watch it, Shooting Star. I just had this - -" Mabel shot the hook through his back before he could finish. Dust puffed out of him, and his entire body collapsed into a small pile.

The grappling hook zipped back into the gun, and Mabel raised it in victory.

"That's my girl!" Stan proclaimed.

The pile swirled into the ground before anyone else could get another breathe out. Bill's body had dissipated but he was still there somewhere. You could feel the demonic presence in the air; not to mention, smell its musky stench.

A giant shadowed hand rose from the ground and grabbed Mabel. She screamed at Bill, demanding he put her down. "Not until the Moon plummets - - not until the Question Mark is erased - - not until the Pine Tree has fallen!" Bill screeched. He wildly swung his hand about, avoiding Soos' and Stan's attacks.



Thinking quick, I summoned a fire ball and flung it at Bill's hand. It passed right through him. It hit the ground near Soos' feet and fizzled out.

"Try that again, I dare you!" Bill held Mabel in my direction, egging me to attack again. Mabel and I shared a distressed stare. I couldn't attack again - - I wasn't about to risk her life any further.

I took a tempted glance at the portal as it sparked and shivered. We were so close.

An idea came to light. It was stupid, without question, but it was all I had. I took a deep breathe and faced Mabel again. "Bill, I have a proposal for you," I said calmly. Bill's upper body rose once again as a silhouette from the dirt. He kept a fist at his cheek and the other hugely disproportionate one tightly gripped around Mabel. "You leave my family alone...and I'll get in the portal."

Stan was quick to send me discouraging hand signals.

"You sure, kid? That's a one-way trip. A void you'll never wriggle free from. Stuck in time, destined to die from starvation or something. Just like your goody-two-shoes grandfather, I see."

I slowly took the President's key out from my back pocket and laid it behind me.

"Bravery runs in the family," I stated.

I traced a "13" into the dirt next to the key, or at least I hope I did.

"Newsflash: your family is stupid. Glasses basically killed himself for Stanford, over here. You're just following his footsteps."

I shook my head indifferently. "Do we have a deal, or what? You leave my sister, my great uncle, and Soos alone; and I get lost. I'll be out of your way for good."

Bill sighed and laid down his free hand. "You really are stupid. Why don't you ask for me to disappear forever? Or to bring everyone back in turn of your demise?"

"Why would accept deals that would stop your plans?"

Bill shrugged and nodded understandingly. "You got me there, kid." A familiar blue flame engulfed his hand as he stretched it towards me. I reached to shake it, pausing to see horrified expressions on everyone's faces.

I firmly grabbed Bill's hand, sealing the deal.

The shadow that had imprisoned Mabel dissipated, dropping her into the dirt. Soos rushed to her side. Bill's figure released my hand and rose into the air. With his heels together, he leaned down to me, only bending at his waist. A single eye blinked to life in the middle of his face and a mischievous grin stretched to life. "Any last words, Pine Tree?" he taunted.

I stood up silently and walked into the portal room. The portal was still shivering with sparks, tempting itself to collapse. Everyone was eerily quiet. I turned to them, focusing on Mabel. "You don't need me to grow up. When you turn 13, new doors will open sooner than you'll realize." I took a few steps forward to the portal. "But remember: the door you want is locked. Find the key and you'll find the right path."

"Huh, who would have guessed you would have been so poetic in your final moments," Bill said with a scoff. "Pathetic."

A set of shadow-stairs fell before me, leading to wherever Grandpa and Eliza were. Bill was silently encouraging me, and I went with it for his amusement. I stood a step away from the portal, a vacuum weakly pulling at me.

There was no turning back.

The wheel had stopped on me.

But the Pine Tree had yet to fall.


By-the-by, someone drew fan art! It's amazing! @KittyCat0214 is highly and entirely responsible for it! It's actually been my laptop background for several months now! Pay them a visit~! They also have several other pieces of art that are indeed awesome!

P.S. I'm not dead :3

~SF >'-'<

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