"I'll do my everything to win so you can save Nanika-chan.." Izuni said.


the man and Izuni went to an open area and starts to warn up.

"the point of this game is to, show the true you" the man smiled.

"the true me? what does that mean?"

"well, around here, it's normal to be a dead soul true?" he laughed.

"so?".then, he suddenly turned to a furry wolf. The man was a warewolf.

"what? no way!? I though your kind was extinct years ago.." Izuni slowly walked back.

"I'm last of my kind, you too right?" He starts laughing out loud..

"N-no w-way" she fell on her knees.


"Mom!!!" Izuni cried.

"h-hide Izuni..p-protect your s-self.." her mother hid her as she was at the end of her life.

"you are the last one" her father said patting her head.

"father, mom..I..."

"please help her, Z-zeref" a boy next to her picked her up and nodded. He ran off leaving mom and dad.

(end of flashback)

"Izuni! Izuni" Everyone shouted but she was still under her trauma..

Then the warewolf ran towards her and hit her making her fly a half of a mile away.

"Izuni!!" Hina shouted behind the force fill.. nobody was able to enter until one of them dies.

"wake up already!!!" Era shouted.

"wake up Lion!!!" Momoka shouted and suddenly Izuni woke up.

"L-lion?" Akahina's head hurts a bit remembering some of her faded memories. "t-thats, my....cub...that... Zeref..." her eyes shown fear.

She looked at Izuni who was staring at her. Izuni smiled and mumbled but Hina was able to read her mouth.

"Yes.....I..... am.....Lion.....Hello.....Master...." Hina read.

Izuni took a deep breath and changed to a big lion. An orange fierce lion.

"when I first got Lion, it was small and kind.. that Lion was Izuni?" Hina solved the puzzle.

Izuni, the Lion attacked the warewolf with her claws but it dodged it. The warewolf pulled Lion's feet and threw her away. Lion hit a big tree and spit a bit of blood as she took damage. The warewolf ran towards Lion then Lion ran aside making it hit the tree.. Lion roared making the warewolf dizzy.

Lion took the chance and kicked it's stomach. It fell on the ground. Lion took out her claws and starts attacking. As she was a special kind of Lion, her roar was able to blow away even an elephant.

She roared making the warewolf fell deep into the ground. the roar was so strong that it even cracked the hard soil. The warewolf didn't move and the force filled vanished signing it was Izuni who won. Izuni turned back to her human form and fell on the ground.

"n-never look down on a Lion anymore. Now I finally avenge my parents.." she said.

Hina ran towards her and puts her head on her lap.

"y-your Lion? I thought Lion died in the fire.." Hina sobbed.

"what? no way.. I'm strong.. " Izuni smiled. Under her eyes turned black. It was like eye bags.

"why is you eyes black?" Hina asked.

"I'm tired" she said in short.

"don't lie.." Era said as she smoked.

"l-lie? lie what?" Hina panicked.

"Era stop will ya.." Momoka glared.

"Why? Izuni is dying. Why don't I just tell her?"


"I knew it.. you didn't saw it.. when Izuni was fighting with that guy just now, he tossed Izuni right? Why didn't Izuni ran away? it's because he already put poison into her body but a miracle happened and Izuni, I mean Lion still won.." Hina's eyes widen. she looked at Izuni who was lifeless.

"it that....?" Izuni puts a finger on her lips.

"don't call me Lion... I'm Izuni.. Lion died a long time again but when Zeref gave me to you, I became Izuni..." she said.. her last words..

"Izuni?" Hina was in shocked that no tears run down.

"I guess that was bound to happen.." Era walked up front.

Gon and Killua was still speechless stayed quiet as they weren't  able to do anything. this was something above them so they were just able to pat and comfort the speechless Hina..

"off to the next game.." Era leads the way..

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