"They definitely will, but I would do anything for them."

"So, what have you been up to?"

"I've had been most of my time taking care of the little kids, but some nights I go to the clinic and help around." I responded.

"That's great, are you friends with Lourdes?"

"Not really, we talk sometimes, but we are not close or anything. Why?"

"Nothing, just asking." He said lowering his voice.

"Okay, what have you been doing?"

"I've got most night watches and I help my dad and stuff," Hal sighed and smiled. "You should come more often to visit me at my night watches, you keep me awake."

"Are you using me for entertainment now?" He chuckled and moved his face closer to mine. "It would be great, I like watching the stars. They're bright and beautiful."

"Just like you."


"What you heard," Hal smirked casually. "I have a to go, but see you around. Bye, Em."

Hal took his plate, placed it in the container and left. All that, while I was sitting with my mouth incredibly open staring as he left the place.

I'm pretty sure friends say to each other that they are beautiful, it's not a big deal

Who am I kidding? He thinks I'm beautiful!

I stood up from the table and started to do some dance moves, I was celebrating, and that was my way of doing it.


An hour had passed since I talked with Hal and I was now sitting outside, wind blowing in my face.

I breath the pure air and exhaled with a huge smile on my face.


"Hey..." Ben said surprising me.

He lay on the grass next to me.

"Hi, haven't seen you in a while," I told him.

"You have been pretty buzzy with everything."

"Hey, what's wrong?"

He was acting more strange than usual, and it concerned me.

"Nothing, I don't know." Ben sighed and looked at me. "I guess I just want to be useful, but I can't do much like Hal."

"You sure can, why don't you help with the food?"

He mad a weird face that made me laugh.

"I know pretty boring. I know! Go help uncle Scott, I think I heard him said he had no helper today." I told him.

"Actually that sounds great, you're great Emily. Bye!"

Ben hugged me quickly, got up the grass, and left.

"I'm happy to be helpful!"


With each step I took, I got closer to Dai. The moment he spotted, a smile appeared on his face. He was laying on the bed, with body bandages around his chest. The bandages needed to be changed, so I decided to do it myself.

If you want something to happen, do it yourself

"Hi Emily, how's everything doing?"

"Hello Dai, very good. The bigger question is, how are you?"

"Good, but better now that you're here."

"Good to know, I'll be coming more often. Mind if I change your bandages?"

"Not at all."

Dai and I had become good friends, we would always fool around.

I washed my hands and started to tread Dai. I was in taking his bandages off when Lourdes, Dr. Glass, Maggie, Hal and Jimmy stormed into the clinic.

Lourdes saw my actions and came towards me.

"Hi, Emily. I'll take it from here if you don't mind. I think they need you there."

She pointed at Hal as she turned to got out a few bandages.

"Thank you."

"See you later," Dai said.

I integrated myself in the group, everyone's body were tense and everyone, except for Dr. Glass, were holding their guns tightly.

"I don't believe this, Weaver is holding Tom in custody?" Dr. Glass asked without believing it.

Wait... What?

"Lieutenant Danner is watching him in the boiler room," Jimmy coughed, "Tom asked him about he was taking, he lost it."

"I'm not surprised," Hal said.

"What drugs?" I asked very confusedly.

"He takes pills, and now that's clouding their judgement," Hal explained to me.

"I don't think Weaver wants to hurt your dad, I don't know why he's doing this, but he's a god man," Jimmy said defending Wever.

"He is, but he's endangering all of us," I told Jimmy with a comprehensive smile.

"We gotta get my dad out," Hal said.

"Maybe I could help," Jimmy suggested.

"How?" I asked.

"Dr. Glass!" Lourdes screamed from the other side of the clinic.

"When you get Tom, bring him here," Dr. Glass told us before leaving to help Lourdes.

I looked at Dai, he started bleeding and was now unconscious. I started at him for a few minutes until someone spoke to me.

"Are you coming?" Jimmy asked me.

I nodded my head.

Jimmy motion us to follow him, and we did.

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