Chapter 034

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beomgyu <3

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beomgyu <3

when are u done with training?

at 5
why? do you wanna come over?

i was thinking maybe i could pick u up
only if ur ok with it
cuz i know our relationship isnt public yet

I think you can come
i'm the only one here idk where everyone else is lol

so i'll pick u up?
where shld i get u from?

the back exit
i'll wait for u there
see u

see u babe

Ryujin let out a pained gasp, stepping down from the exercise equipment as she felt her body throb in pain. Sweat rolled off her back, which disturbed her greatly. She pulled off her shirt, wiping away her sweat and adjusting the strap of her sports bra.

She massaged her shoulder, wincing as she felt a sudden sharp pain as she stretched it. It wasn't getting better, it even seemed as if it was getting worse nowadays. She sat down on one of the benches, reaching for her water bottle before she quenched her thirst. She let out a satisfied sigh once the water bottle left her lips, putting down the bottle. She stood up, deciding to stretch her muscles as she advanced to the next machine.

"Holy shit," Ryujin's head snapped to the entrance of the gym, surprised to hear someone enter. Her eyes widened seeing her boyfriend of all people at the entrance, slack-jawed.

"What are you doing here?" Ryujin whispered-hissed, rushing to Beomgyu. He wasn't supposed to be in the gym. Beomgyu barely processed her words, his eyes glued to Ryujin's rock-hard abs. When she was stretching, it had flexed her ab muscles, and Beomgyu suddenly felt very self-conscious about his own figure.

"That is hot," Beomgyu said straightforwardly, pointing to Ryujin's abdomen, his lips curled into an impressed smile. Ryujin looked down at what he was pointing at. She blushed pink, embarrassed before she turned to grab her shirt.

"Where you going?" Beomgyu chuckled, grabbing Ryujin's wrist before pulling her into his embrace, eliciting a gasp from the younger. Her eyes widened as she crashed into Beomgyu's chest, his other arm snaking around her waist.

"Beomgyu, I'm at work." Ryujin warned, but she made no effort to stop Beomgyu as he pushed her toward him, looking down at her with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"No one is here," Beomgyu slyly added, a smirk decorating his lips seeing how flustered Ryujin got. Ryujin shook her head, and a trickle of sweat travelling down her sweaty face caught his attention.

He removed his arm that held her hand, wiping away the sweat. Her face was flushed and sweaty from her intense workout, her breathing still laboured as she recovered from her workout.

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