Chapter 57: Perdoname por todo

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Song: Die Alone by Finneas

Nicole's POV

This waiting room is getting colder by the hour, luckily several nurses applied us with warm blankets, some recliners, a damn coffee machine and some protein shakes. It's limited but for our state it's enough. I met with THE Olsen twins, Robert and Susan, Sebastian, Lucas, and the Sea Wolves squad. We took turns on watch since Y/N's condition isn't clear just yet, we were still on our toes. Surgery was successful, no complications. From what Dr. Medina announced, Y/N's body needed to rest after how much trauma their body took. Hunter arrived just on time to see her sister and joined Lizzie and Robbie as they took Scarlett home so she could shower, letting her process without hearing monitors and IV pumps going off every 5 seconds. The squeaky door startled all of us, grabbing our attention to Riggs. Ethan walks through ignoring the others and meets with me. The confusion waves through since it was Sebastian's turn to watch over Y/N. He leans over my ear, "They're asking for you, only you for the moment." I quickly collect myself and head out.

This hospital luckily has 5 stories so each floor has a waiting room. They're in room 458. Once I see over the curtain, I take a glance at my best friend. "Jeez, you know you can ask me for assistance, right?" I quickly drop my things on the chair next to the door and run to help them out with pouring water in their cup. "Thank you" I hear Y/N whisper, making chills run through my body. "Here, let me..." I guided the straw to their lips since they have limited mobility. 2 big gulps and I set the cup down on the rolling table. I slowly sit down on the chair that's next to the bed. Y/N sighs as I finally get comfortable, "I'm so sorry." Their apology makes my stomach sink, "Don't apologize, Y/N/N. Don't do that to yourself, you're ok, with professional aid. Yes, you did scare us but you're awake now. Let's focus on the next step, recovery." My hand gently lays over theirs as I see a tear escape their eye. I gave them a moment to let their emotions out but quickly paused as their monitor went off. "Breathe, y/n/n, breathe. Think about what's next. For dinner, what are you craving?" I rapidly changed the subject. "Some fruit? Or maybe caldo de pollo?" I glance over the monitor, relieved seeing their vitals calming down.

"I needed to protect her...all of you." The quiet tone caused tears to appear, "I know that but sometimes you need to let someone else to protect you and your loved ones. You can't keep doing this. What about Elena? Fernando? What about them?" I paused as I felt my anger slightly appear. "I just can't think how the world would be without you. My mind can't allow it." I felt a tear run down, feeling like my heart was tearing. "Perdoname por todo. Nunca entendí realmente por lo que has pasado./ Forgive me for everything. I never truly understood what you've been through." I felt Y/N's cold hand land on mine. "Te amo demasiado para dejar te, idiota. Acabo de empezar terapia, así que no te preocupes demasiado./ I love you too much to leave your dumbass. I just started therapy so don't worry too much about it." I tell them, meeting their eyes.

Normal POV

Nicole helped me with ordering some food, I'm still on a strict diet to prevent any discomfort or risk. So only soups for today. She ordered chicken soup, tea, and jellos. "Thank you bubba." Her nickname has always been the same since high school. "You don't have to thank me, you know that. You're my sibling, I'll do anything you need." She slides into her chair. Before I could respond, someone knocked on the door. "Mx.Rodriguez?" We hear a feminine voice and a separate pair of footsteps. I'm guessing my doctor and nurse, "Good seeing you awake, Mx.Rodriguez. I'm Dr.Medina, your general doctor." Dr. Medina announces herself, followed by my boss. "How are you feeling?" She added as she accessed my chart on the computer. "Uncomfortable but I'm not in excruciating pain. My abdomen feels hot like it's boiling." I answer honestly.

Dr. Medina immediately looks over, "Well after abdominal surgery, it is pretty normal to experience this in some patients. But I'll place an order for a CT, just make sure." She explained looking between Nicole and I. I nodded, "During your surgery, we successfully removed the remaining bullet fragments. Stab wound has been closed, so we're going to run an antibiotic line to prevent injection. Once we got in the procedure, one of your fractured ribs was endangered and became broken. We placed a titanium plate and 4 screws to reposition the rib. Your SpO2 and RR are at a safe rate. Now that you're stable, we're planning on a blood transfusion." Dr. Medina says as she's in and out of using the computer. "Great, more metal." I sighed as I gave a half smile. "Your chart is a fun one, Mx." I snorted but was reminded with some burning pain. "Please, call me Y/N and I'd like some painkillers now." I look over to my doctor. "Let me get the nurse." She excuses herself. "I'll come back later, Major. Focus on recovery, good seeing you awake. Don't need to lose another of my legends." Brewer says as he leaves the room.

My IV line was placed with antibiotics and painkillers as my lunch arrived. "Great timing. Eat what you can, if you become nauseous, alert me." My nurse pointed out. "Your?" I questioned him. "Right, I'm Joey, your dayshift nurse for the next few days." He introduces himself as he sanitizes his hands. "Thank you, Joey." I nodded. Nicole assists with preparing everything and moving everything at my reach. Attempting to get a comfortable position caused this burning sensation to travel through my body, earning a whine out of me. "Why?" My tears followed my cries. "Am I that cruel of a human? Did I deserve this?" I rambled my thoughts as I felt my heart rate increase. "Y/n/n, I'll feed you but I need you to remain calm." Nicole's words aren't helpful at this moment. My frustration and anger is overwhelming, chills break out. My throat begins to feel like a desert as I try to catch some air. This is my karma.


Sorry for the late update... I can official say that I HATE hospitals. How have y'all been?

Everything is Easy - S.Johannson x Y/N readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora