Chapter 35: Anniversary

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Song: With You All the Time From Don't Worry Darling 

April 18, 2024, 4:45 am

Normal POV:

Currently, staring at the ceiling as my anxiety is causing chaos. My Insomnia is fucking me up lately. Obviously but the increase of pressure is killing me. I've stopped going to the gym since all of this, my apartment isn't available, and need to move out. Scarlett, I called her yesterday but just wondered if she and the kids could fly in. Her concerns began and immediately agreed after I shared that it would be better if we talked in person. Knowing that her anxiety would catch up, I quickly recapped the events avoiding telling her about the MPO and comforting her that I'm ok and everyone else is too. I don't know how she does it but she's on the way with the kids and Melanie. Hunter isn't available for another 2 months. I miss that man, he's like another brother to me.

As I overthink the upcoming conversation with Scar, I decided to take a shower. Maybe it can relax my tense body. Lizzie lets me keep emergency clothes here, which I'm grateful for. I get a spar of comfy clothes since it's still early and run the shower as it heats up a bit. After dimming the light, I undress near the tub where there are no mirrors. I think it's time for another tattoo. I have my sleeves done, some on my chest and hands. But it's time for my back since it's healed and shit. Once I'm in the burning shower, I slowly move the temperature getting to the colder side. The hot water relaxes muscles and cold water decreases stress.

Getting my binder on fucking sucks but I'm still saving up since my insurance would only cover 50% of the procedure. After struggling, I finally get to my shirt, my Wanda shirt. Definitely wearing this all day. Teasing Lizzie is my favorite thing to do, I don't do it often as I used to. But teasing her unexpecting is my new favorite thing. Might get killed with her head tilts and her scary attacks. She might not have telekinesis but she does have a heavy hand. Mother can slap you to another life if you have the balls to test her patience. Been there and it wasn't it.

After getting ready, I get my phone and headed to the kitchen, quietly since it was 6:53 am. I reach the kitchen, I see Lizzie and Robbie having their coffee. Unusual. "Good Morning, y/n/n. Sit, I'll get your usual, Tea or Coffee?" Lizzie asks as she's getting up. "Warm Tea, please. Thank you, Lizard." I clear my throat as I headed to the table. "Morning y/n/n. Did you get any sleep?" Robbie questions, trying not to sound rude. He's too kind, "Honestly, I didn't sleep. My mind is on a wheel that rolling down a hill." I replied as I picked my nails, knowing what was coming today. "Do you want to visit James before everyone else gets up? I mean we can join you if you want." Robbie proposes this idea, which doesn't sound bad. If I take Nicole and Elena, I wouldn't be comfortable enough. Something like this isn't good for my daughter's mental state since her mentality is still growing. Shit look at what's going on just because I decided to enlist 16 years ago. "I would like that," I replied as Lizzie carefully brings my tea. "Thank you, Bubba." "We can go after you finish your tea, I'll drive." Lizzie offers as she sits. They're going to be amazing parents one day.

Robbie's POV:

Today is James's anniversary, his passing anniversary. So Lizzie and I got up at 5:38 am to support Y/N, knowing that today was going to be hard to go through. For Nicole too but in a different way, with more anger. It's been 11 years since James's death and she hasn't accepted his passing. They were the trio as Y/N described them. Childhood friends since 4th grade. So when Y/N finally told me about their trio and James, I promised myself to continue James' intention. Well, more of doing things that James would do while trying not to replace his spot. I can never replace that Man's place, a hero and a brother to Y/N. "I'm nervous about Nicole. I mean it's not like it's the first year but more on how she acted last year." Lizzie comments as she finishes making her coffee. During Y/N's deployment, Nicole's actions were concerning, she ghosted basically everyone after leaving Elena with us. Lizzie and I found her at James's Grave and passed out. Completely wasted. "Yeah maybe let's not mention that to Y/N, not for today at least." I replied as I sat down, stirring my cup of coffee. Earning a hum from my wife.

As we see Y/N come down the stairs, Lizzie gets up suggesting to sit down. God, their eyes then I see their t-shirt. Classic Y/N, Lizzie can't say anything about it, it's hilarious. 

They agreed with my suggestion of visiting James after watching them disassociate from the conversation

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They agreed with my suggestion of visiting James after watching them disassociate from the conversation. One of Y/N's PTSD responses. Knowing them for 7 years gives you the ability to profile them and I've been so grateful to Y/N for trusting me. Our trust has grown with this friendship, obviously. "So what happened during your call with Scarlett?" I asked as Lizzie joins us. I get a face from my wife as Y/N began answering. "Oh she's on her way, I forgot to tell y'all. Sorry." Lizzie and I react, I mean the house is clean but we have 5 guests right now. "With the kids?" Lizzie asks, nervously. I know we have a large house but damn this is going to be fun. We get a head nod, shit. "I've missed those little shits but how are we going to lift 4 more guests?" Lizzie's anxiety faces the surface. "Lizard, don't worry. Apparently, she recently purchase her second home. That's all sugar mama money." Y/N rambles, finishing their tea. Leaving Lizzie and I in awe.

From what Y/N taught me, I head to the car to heat it up. Apparently, this allows the engine's lifespan to last longer. 10 minutes go by when I get a text from my wife saying that she let Jarnette know where we're going since she's now up. But also letting me know that Y/N decided to go with their bike. 


I have two finals next week, so this is a gift to my fellow college students. Good Luck and cheers. 

To my fellow med students, I have two brain cells left after this semester. Physiology is a fucking joke to me. 


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