Chapter 21: A knock at the door

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Song: Black Out Days by Phantogram

October 12, 2023, New York.

Scarlett's POV:

About 2 days ago, we were notified by Lieutenant Colonel Riggs that Brigadier General Brewer has requested a meeting today. Companied by Nicole, Lizzie, and Robbie, Y/N's brother, Dan, and I. This is bad. "I have to go, Kate. I'll see you tomorrow." "Be safe" I hear Kate reply. As I was leaving 'The Outset' worked, I couldn't shake off this horrible feeling. When I get home, I can see everyone's cars. Lizzie's outside waiting for me before this meeting. "Lizard, you're freezing out here." "I had to wait for you. I couldn't go in without you." Lizzie replied. "Come on." When we go in, I see Robbie help Lizzie and I go to see Nicole. Her hands are shaking while she continues her conversation with Hunter. Elena is with my mom on a shopping spree/movie night. My mom demanded that Hunter to be here. "How we are feeling?" I say, approaching Nicole and my brother. "I'm scared shitless. Riggs called a meeting like this when James passed. I can't go through this without Y/N." This comment made me go in to hug her. "Me too, pinkie, Me too" Pinkie is Nicole's nickname since she figured out Y/N and I's chemistry. Hunter shared a weak smile with us when we hear the doorbell go off. Pinkie and I break the hug as we hear Hunter. "I'll get it" Hunter breaks the tense air. "Hey, I'm Y/N's brother. Fernando." "Fernando, nice to meet you. Come in. We waiting for Lieutenant Colonel Riggs and Brigadier General Brewer to get here. They're in the living room." Hunter says, guiding Fernando in. I hear an accent "Hi everyone." Fernando greets. "Fer, thank god you're here," Nicole says, walks to Fernando, and goes for a hug. "Of course, we're talking about the only family I have left. My sibling." He replies. After Nicole introduced Fernando to us, we caught up in a comfortable conversation about how Y/N was as a kid. Teasing their Nana while taking care of her to the high school side of Y/N. The doorbell goes off bringing us back into reality. Robbie excuse himself to greet them.

Third Person POV:

As Lieutenant Colonel Riggs and Brigadier General Brewer park outside of Scarlett's home, Ethan comments "I hate this, I can feel the energy of inside." "I know but this is what Rodriguez wanted." Brewer replies, getting out of the car. 3 other soldiers get out of the second car. DING. They wait after ringing the doorbell, "Good Afternoon Colonel and General, we're in the living room. Come on in." Robbie greets them and guides them inside. The others get greeted by the overwhelming companied officials. 

All are in their ASU uniforms

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

All are in their ASU uniforms. Emotions are getting higher with the tension in this living room. "Good afternoon, everyone. Is there somewhere we can all sit and discuss this meeting?" Brewer ask as everyone else stood up. "Will the dining room work?" Scarlett asked with a shaky voice. "Of course, ma'am." He replied. "This way." Scarlett guided them.

After sitting and the small talk, Brewer continues "Before we start, we'll provide an NDA for each one of you to sign. What's going to be told here today is confidential, and still under investigation. After you guys sign the NDAs, turn off every cellphone and technology in this room." They all listened to the orders, then Riggs starts the debriefing. " Hold on to your question until the end." "We're here to go through what has happened to Sea Wolves and their mission on March 17 of 2022." Riggs begins. "The mission was simple, meant to be an in-n-out situation. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. At 2034, Sea Wolves and Baking Bad (special forces), who were paired, were on site. 15 miles from Bagram Air Base. The mission was to go into a village where Baking Bad was providing attention/care. Baking Bad called in local medics, so we sent Sea wolves. They meant to go into the village to treat ill and pregnant women, whom Baking Bad identified. At 2045, they started to enter the building where the women were located but were interrupted by enemy fire. The sniping team ordered backup after Y/N's alert, backup was 7 minutes out. Meaning they had 7 minutes to retreat. We have audio of the event and what I can tell the fight was tense. O'hara and Rodriguez were separated from the others. The other lost communication with them for about 2 minutes. After the first flashbang aftermath, Lopez was the one to regain focus and alerted about the missing. By the time Wells, Rangel, Levine, and Wilson regained focus and returned fire, O'Hara who was with Rodriguez, regained focus and checked on Rodriguez. From our black box, we identified that Rodriguez regain focus around 2048. There was a moment of silence after Y/N's comment about retreating. Then there were immediate screams from O'Hara. In O'hara's report, one of the local men approached her and attacked her. Resulting in Rodriguez to action. A gun fired, twice. This caused Elias and the others to move to their location." Riggs pauses, fidgeting. 

"Rodriguez was abducted for 3 months," Brewer added clearly. This information caused gasps and cries around the table. "We rescued Rodriguez on June 7, 2023. Marines arrived at Bagram Air Base with Y/N at 0400. They were in critical condition." Brewer continues. From the cries and whispers, Fernando breaks the silence "And now? Where's my sibling at? Are they alive?" Hinting anger in his voice. Hunter and Nicole join him. "Where are they?" "Why are we being told after 4 months?" Scarlett and Lizzie are now standing and walking around the dining room. The front door opens causing the voices to stop. Footsteps get closer to the dining area. "Major Y/N Rodriquez is safe and.." Brewer answered.

"I'm home."


HEHE. I love a dramatic entrance.

Everything is Easy - S.Johannson x Y/N readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें