Chapter 34: Today's Shitshow

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Song: I'm Tired by Labrinth ft Zendaya

April 14, 2024, Midnight

Normal POV:

Once everyone settled back into the living room, I waited for approval to continue. As I scan the room, I get a nod from Robbie. "Today while I was reorganizing, I heard someone knock at the front door. The first time, no one was there but the second time I encountered a box that was left on the floor. At that point, my paranoia was alerting me that something was off. Resulting in to call to Lucas as back-up. As he examines the box at a distance, he quickly advises to call this in. Some police officers came up but the situation escalated. From the box, there was a vibration leading a call in for a bomb squad. After waiting, Lucas and I joined the squad after they clear the box. In the box, we found an envelope with the burner phone. As I examined the envelope, Lucas pointed out the familiar handwriting, resulting in a lockdown. The envelope contained a letter and a picture. These are related to the live investigation, meaning someone out there is targeting me and everyone that's involved." I explained today's events. "How does something like this casually happen? You're military for fuck sake with high security." Nicole's emotions' breaks the silence. Anger and annoyance. "You are supposed to be safe after returning from an active warzone. Instead, they allow this shit to happen. That's bullshit." Her anger continues as she paces around the table. "We're all under an MPO, meaning you're all in protective custody. Indefinitely." I tried sharing so sort of comfort. 

Nothing changes though. "That's not helping. You're being targeted, mind you that you have a child and family. They have lives to carry and you're girlfriend, that also has children. CHILDREN FOR FUCKSAKE." Nicole adds. "Don't you think I know that, Nicole? I'm equally terrified as you are. This wasn't my choice. I wasn't planning on this." She's yelling at me as if I was a teenager that was caught. This is why I don't tell something like this. "NO BUT YOU CHOICE TO ENLIST. YOU'RE FUCKING DUMBASS DECIDED ON THIS FUCKING LIFE." "OH NOT WITH THIS AGAIN." I just walked out. I can't be with her right now. I headed to Lizzie's backyard. My body was heated and my mind is foggy. I just wanted to relax after all that happened today. I dived into the pool after dropping my phone. Can't let that phone for to waste. The cold chlorine water was like rolling into a comfort blanket. As I swam, my mind was exiting from this shitty reality. Letting my muscles relax as I floated to the surface. "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND?" I hear Mom's voice echo through the water. I ignored her as I float around the pool.

Robbie's POV:

As Y/N walks out, I let Lizzie focus on Nicole while I go check on Y/N. Seeing Jarnette following my steps. Then a splash. Shit don't do anything stupid y/n/n. I run to the pool but y/n/n's just swimming. "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND?" Jarnette raised her voice, causing Lizzie and Nicole to run out. "Did you have to yell at them? Think about what they've been through and then add a stalker on their ass. Like, come on, Nicole. YOU out of everyone should understand." Lizzie's scary side hints. "I'll get the towels" Nicole excuses herself. How the hell are we going to get them out? Fuck it. I join y/n/n, earning Lizzie to yell. I can just sense the head tilt. As I swam to Y/N, they relaxed their body into mine as I hugged them. Dragging them out of the pool. "This was unnecessary y/n/n," I whispered, heading to the stairs.

A drunk walk from Y/N earns a slap from Nicole after she wrapped them with a towel. "That's for not telling us AND for your drunk state." She follows up. "I needed that, thank you angel. I'm soo sorry for keeping you in the dark but it was for your own good. I mean look at your reaction, I was mentally ready for that." They seem a bit sober after that slap. "God, what am I going to tell Scarlett? The children are at risk because she's dating me." They commented on their thoughts. "Don't worry about that right now. I'm sure she'll understand and support your decisions but don't run away with her." I replied since everyone went quiet. "I'm going to shower right quick." Y/N excuses themselves, leaving everyone with their thoughts.

"What are we going to do? I mean we have lives to tend to." Nicole continues. "We have to continue living our usual lives, I guess. I mean we don't have any saying in this, we just have to live with this paranoia now." Lizzie shares as she's hugging Jarnette. "Y/N has been through soo much, they don't deserve this. Especially on these days." I say earning sad hums. 


This is a short chapter, I hope yall enjoy this tho

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

This is a short chapter, I hope yall enjoy this tho.

Also if you guys ever plan on writing, please don't steal other's work. If you're inspired by someone's work, Contact them before and add your own twist. 


Everything is Easy - S.Johannson x Y/N readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ