Chapter 48: I think I'm done running

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Song: Mind over Matter by Young the Giant

Third Person POV:

It's almost 9 pm, and Lizzie & Robbie are accompanying most of the calm guests since the event changed from dinner party to blackout party, it's mostly Nicole's fault but she's not taking any more credit. Emily, John, and Anna had already left after their dinner with a couple of glasses of wine. Pedro, Sophie, and Chris H. attempted to out-drink Y/N but gave up after the 6th round, who were scattering dancing around the patio. Tom, Sebastian, and Chris E. might blackout by the end of tonight since they keep challenging Y/N's army liver. Meanwhile, Scarlett has been taking turns in the different environments, from backyard/grilling vibes to inside club vibes. "Youuu kNoW wHat, I ThInK i MIghT...." Tom stumbles his words as Y/N rushes him to the bathroom. "Let it all out, mijo. Let's call it a night for you, hold on, let me go get Zendaya for you." Y/N exits the bathroom, letting Tom lean on the toilet. "LIGHTWEIGHT" Anthony yells, earning a sharp look from Y/N. "Don't." They warned, causing Anthony's body to stutter in panic. The other guys start to laugh at Anthony's behavior, only to earn the same warning. "SCAR, COME GET YOUR SOLDIER" Chris yells as he speeds walk, leaving Sebastian."Z, Tom's currently passed out in the bathroom. I think you two should call it." Y/N finally gets to the dining table. "I warned him and he still didn't listen. Thanks, R, goodnight everyone. Oh, could you carry him to the car, Y/n/n?" Zendaya gets up and heads to Tom's situation. "Yep, let me get some bags and some water bottles for the road." Y/N comments causing Lizzie to get up. "While you do that, let me share some leftovers." Lizzie gets some takeout bins from the kitchen. "Y/N, could you show me where he is after you're done?" Zendaya asks as she puts on her blazer.

While Y/n carries Tom to the car, Zendaya and Scarlett get a moment to talk, privately. "Thank you for giving Y/N what they deserve. They finally get to be fortunate to enjoy what life is about. But please don't attempt to damage them. They barely survived what their ex did, please Scar. I know that you're not that type of person but be patient with them. Try to be understanding toward their decisions and issues." Zendaya explains. This surprises Scarlett, "Of course but I don't have any intentions of hurting them. You know that." Scarlett comments, defensively. "I'm just looking out for the both of you. Anyways, I hope you and Y/n love the gift I got the both of you, and don't worry I got Y/N their own gift." Zendaya lifted her hand in defeat. Scarlett just smiles as they have their goodbye hug. "He's in with his seatbelt of course. That was like having to buckle a 28-year-old toddler, he's like jello right now." They hear Y/N comments as they head toward their way causing them to chuckle. "It's been good seeing you Y/n/n, don't disappear on me again" Zendaya warned them as she went in for a hug. "Same goes for you. Elena missed her auntie. Once again, if you need anything, call and I'll be there." Y/N assures her as they separate.

Normal POV

For Scarlett's safety, I hope she doesn't suspect anything from my different vibes. I mean if I tell her about this, it might be too much for her and her kids. But I have my contacts for my reasons which have been proven with the investigation and her crazy ass ex. I don't wanna ruin our relationship and honestly, I don't think I want to go through the breakup process again. For once, I'm excited about being in a relationship and happy with our bond. The kids too, they're all my family now and I can't lose them. "Babe?" I hear Scarlett's voice as I rejoin reality. "Yes? My mind went somewhere, sorry." I admitted as we walked through the living room. "Hey..." She gently grabbed my arm as we stopped in our tracks. "Do we need a minute before rejoining the others?" She asked. She loves reading people's body language, I guess it's a Natasha thing that stuck onto her. It's heartwarming, somehow. I just nodded as she dragged me upstairs. As she closed the bedroom door, she questioned "What's going on, love?" Damn her inner spy is tooo good. "Ummm." I nervously sigh. "Do you have your phone with you?" My question confuses her. She nods and pulls out her phone. "Do you mind turning it off?" I added as I connected eye contact. "There but what for?" She questions as she sets her phone on the nightstand. I quickly let out a deep sigh before guiding her to sit on the bed.

Scarlett's POV

Since Sebastian and Y/N talked later, Y/N has become anxious, well their body has. I noticed their body became tense throughout the night, especially after they talked to Zendaya. As I set my phone down, I began to feel nervous with this warm inner feeling and not the good kind. With their deep sigh, the air in this room became thick. "Well, if you feel threatened after this conversation, you have the right to leave. All I want is for you to feel safe, especially for the kids. Ok?" Their professionalism peaks out, terrifying me of what's coming next. As I nodded, they continued "When Sebastian and I were talking, he brought up some contacts of mine." Their voice began to quiver as they explained. "Some of the Marvel cast know about these contacts. Sebastian, Tom, Brie, Paul, Benedict, Zendaya, Lizzie. I prefer to keep it limited but they all know about it." They added as they came to pace around the room. "These contacts are my fellow or current soldiers, we have an agreement. They're my personal security team, in a way." Their movements stopped as they revealed. "Personal security?" I questioned as I stood up. "Like a mob?" That's the only thing that came to mind. "NO....No, it's nothing like that. They chose to follow a routine, all legal work." Y/N turns my way. "So why the nervousness then?" I questioned them. "In the past, we were different, we did some things that we aren't proud of. Murder is over the line though." "Babe, that's a mob." I informed them as I went to sit back down. "We're in the military, we have shit tons of enemies out there and needed to protect our work and personal info. All of us have lawyers on standby. These contacts have protected us since the beginning, love. Protecting you while I was gone. Protecting the kids, Lizzie, Robbie, Nicole and your family." They continued to explain as they kneeled between my feet. "Ohh this is why I've seen the same car near us. I thought they were another stalker." I calmly admitted in relief.

"Why are you suddenly so calm about it?" Y/N questioned my change of behavior. "Because now I know that it was all your doing, love." I sighed as I realized they were expecting a different reaction. "This is going to sound off but it's actually kind of romantic." I heard their laugh, as they sat next to me. "Really? I expected you to leave me after this." "Well it's going to take me a bit of time to process this information but knowing that the kids and my family are safe is all that matters to me. Yes, it's weird that I haven't started running but I think I'm done running. I finally found my love, who truly understands me and my needs. I'm not ruining that. Of course, there will be lows but we'll get through those moments because I'm here to stay, and if you let me, hopefully, a permanent stay." I comfort them as they just let out one of their greatest secrets. Y/N turns to my way, leaning on their elbow. "God, how did I get so damn lucky or am I dreaming?" They said as we connected our lips into a peck. "Did you hear the last part?" I, teasingly, questioned their comment. "I did and if you also beat me to that, I swear." They pointed their finger toward my face, seeking an opportunity as I bit down on their finger. "Well, chop chop Rodriguez." I smirked as I stood up, heading back downstairs.

A/N: The picture above the chapter is just random... Anyways, thoughts?

Reminder for the next few chapters, both hands on y'all phones....Y'all nasties.

Y'all nasties

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