Chapter 15: Lizzie's

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September 1 2022, 8:12 pm

Lizzie's POV:

It's late when I get a text from 'Rogers wannabe'. Aka Y/N, before I opened it, I got a wine refill to prepare myself. "Babe, Y/N texted on the group chat sa-" Robbie says, entering the kitchen. "I was going to get you that, you know." He continued as he watched me get another bottle of red wine. I chuckled "So what did Y/N say?" "They were wondering if they could stay the night tonight. They're currently at a rest stop with Scarlett." He asks as he gets a small bowl of berries. "Text them for me please, I can't bear using my phone right now," I say, remembering the negative comments notification I'm currently getting from the media. "Let them know where the emergency key is at. I'm going upstairs and I'm going to take a relaxing bath before they get here" I tell Robbie, as I head up the stairs. "I love you" I hear Robbie yell.

It's 10:55 pm when I see some headlights hit my living room's walls. They made it safely, thank god. I go get Robbie so we can greet them, forgetting about the emergency key detail. I was too excited. We get ready and head to our driveway. As soon as Y/N got out of the car, I immediately hugged them. "Hi lizard, I thought you guys were already asleep" I whispered as they linked their arms around me. "I couldn't wait until the morning to see you and my anxiety wouldn't let me anyway," I replied. "Where's Scarlett?" I continued as I let go of Y/N/N. "I think she fell asleep, hold on." They went to the passenger's door and opened it. "Scarlett, we're at Lizzie's for tonight" They gently woke the blonde up while softly rubbing her arm. That's new. "Mhmm. Where's my witchy at?" I hear Robbie laugh behind me. I just roll my eyes at her comment. "You're an ass, Scarjo." I teased her back. "Hey you," Scarlett says while getting out of her seat.

After Robbie and I greeted them home, they settled themselves, joining us for a drink or two.

After Robbie and I greeted them home, they settled themselves, joining us for a drink or two

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 Scarlett apparently brought some whisky on the way here, so we decided to open that. "It's like a reward" Y/N says while enjoying their old-fashioned. "Mhmm, I usually don't enjoy whisky but I think I'll add this brand to my list." Scarlett says. "Well, both of you can enjoy that bottle. I'll  get Don Julio out." "What type of Don Julio?" I hear Y/N ask. "Julio 42', you want some?" "Hello, I'm ​​jalisciense, Liz." (A/N: this is a term for people that are from Jalisco, Mexico. Their Nana was born and raised there, making them proud of their culture.) I just roll my eyes. We take it lightly with the drinking since Scarlett has a travel day tomorrow and Y/N too.

Third Person POV:

As the morning sunlight comes up, Y/N is already up and running, they had a nightmare. They already cleared out the living room since that's where they slept after giving Scarlett the guest room. Incensed. They're currently finishing up breakfast for everyone, that's their love language. Cooking. 

Lizzie was the first one down "Good Morning, y/n/n

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Lizzie was the first one down "Good Morning, y/n/n. I'll join you in a bit, I'm going water my garden real quick." "Ok, do you want your usual coffee or tea?" Y/N asked as they cleaned their hands with a rag. "My usual tea, please," Lizzie says. "Good Morning, smell delicious Y/N/N," Scarlett says, entering the kitchen. "Morning Scar, you're coffee is ready on the table. Serve yourself what you'll like." Y/N replies finishing up making Lizzie's tea. Scarlett starts to serve herself while Y/N organizes the freshly washed dishes away. Making them collide. "Sorry," Both of them say in sync, followed by some laughter. "Here, let me help you with the dishes so you can eat with me," Scarlett says, blushing. "Let's dance with the dishes," Y/N replies, taking a second to realize what they just said. "Oh god, sorry. Elena and I have a system, it's a habit. Sorry" Their rambling and nervousness make Scarlett laugh. "You're fine, Y/N/N. Let's dance then" (A/N: Lizzie's garden. I'm jealous. This is how I see their house.)

Lizzie is basically watching them through the window with Robbie

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Lizzie is basically watching them through the window with Robbie. Stalkers. Y/N and Scarlett were so in their bubble that they didn't see or acknowledge Robbie's presence. "I knew it." Lizzie whisper-yells while hitting Robbie's shoulder. "Ahh babe, stop." Robbie squeals as he lightly showers Lizzie with the hose. "YOU. run." the terrifying Sokovian accent comes out. "oH NOPE" Robbie runs for the kitchen, scaring the mfs out of their bubble. "RUN ROBBIE" "SAVE YOURSELF"

"You better bring my niece and nephew on your next trip here. I'm not joking, Scar. I miss them" Lizzie says while she helps Scarlett with her belongings, heading to the car. "And you too, Y/N/N. I miss my muffin." making eye contact with Y/N. "You mean MY little widow." Scarlett teases. "NO, she's MINE." "Oh god, not this again." Y/N rolls their eyes. "Listen. She's mine, my little shit that was birthed by la chupacabra. So are you guys the chupacabra?" Silence."No? Good." After the goodbye, Y/N headed to LAX. During the drive, Y/N made Scarlett call the airport for them. "Yes, we're 30 minutes out, please have a team out. Be alert with pap." "Is this the team?" "Yes, Mx. Rodiguez. We can hear you loud and clear." Y/N plans out with LAX's Security. Meanwhile, Scarlett is just admiring Y/N's professional/dominant side coming out. Y/N's right hand slowly grabs Scarlett's hand, which is on top of Scarlett's thigh. Scarlett's breath starts to become heavy, Y/N knows what's going on in Scarlett's mind. When the call ended, Scarlett heard "So what's going to happen after today?" leaving her confused. "About what? My divorce? In general or this?" She points at their hand. "This." Y/N gripping Scarlett's thigh a bit tighter. "Well my divorce is already in progress, so I think we can give it a try." "That make-out section has potential" Scarlett continues. "Mmm, you think so?" Y/N says, dropping their voice. "God, I hate you for that" Scarlett cries while moving in her seat. "Sorry, love" Y/N laughs. "Love?" "Shit sorry." Y/N apologies while removing their hand, not trying to make Scarlett uncomfortable. But Scarlett stops them, "No no I was just surprised. I loved it honestly" Holding Y/N's hand. A smirk forms on Y/N's face. "I'm going to miss your company. Your laugh and your excited mini dance." Y/N says. "You know, I haven't felt this comfortable with someone in sooo long." They continued, gently moving their thumb on Scarlett's hand. "I know. You deserve more times like these, love." "Soon, I promise" Scarlett continues, smiling at them. "Soon"


Y/N's outfit: 

Y/N's outfit: 

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Robbed. HEHE. Lizzie's and Robbie's House pics are what I think their house would look like. I don't want to search up their house because that's invading. The vision is shown above, in the first pic, but the design of a Spanish home. Don Julio 1942 is so smooth and delicious for me that it's dangerous. 

Song: Margaux by matilda mann.

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