Chapter 51

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The finale

I was making sure everything was perfect for Jeremiah's party when the door bell rang, it was 3pm the time I told everyone to arrive but I ashumed it was Jude and his Madrid friends as they were due here at exactly 3.

I went and opened the door and to my Surprise it wasn't Jude but Reiss, "oh my god!" I exclaimed giving him a hug and he looked at me confused.
"Hey did I get the wrong day or something?" He asked looking around and I shook my head,
"No, no I'm just Suprised your on time! The first one here even!" I said as a smile appeared on Reiss face.

"What can I say, I'm excited to see you guys before you all go off to Spain" he shrugged and I looked at him confused, "we're not all going to Spain" I said.
"Oh yeah right" he said not believing me and I just laughed confused,
"Well come on in" I smiled stepping out the way and he walked in.

"Jeremiah!" I called up the stairs and he soon came running, "Uncle Reiss!" He exclaimed jumping into his arms. "Hey JJ! Happy birthday!" Reiss cheered,
"Thank you, Do you want to come see my new presents?" Jeremiah asked excitedly.

"Jeremiah, you can show uncle Reiss but then you can show everyone else another time as people at the party won't be allowed upstairs, okay?" I asked realising what would happen if I didn't warn him, "okay mummy, let's go!" He said grabbing Reiss' hand.

I went to go sit down as I was exhausted after all this preparing but as soon as I took my seat the door bell rang, I sighed standing up and walking to the door. "Jude!" I exclaimed jumping on him as soon as I opened the door, "hey Jay, you okay?" He laughed putting me down and I nodded.

"Hey guys, how was the flight" I then said turning to everyone else as they stood there smiling,
"Yes it was good thank you, it's good to see you again" Vini smiled giving me a hug as the others followed in suit.

I lastly finished with Luanna, everyone else had followed Jude inside so it was just me and her on the door step. "Hey girl" she smiled giving me a hug, "hey you alright?" I asked,
"Yeah I'm good thanks!" She replied before a small smirk appeared on her face.
"I missed you so much, you should definitely come back to Madrid soon" she spoke making me realise what her and Reiss were playing at.
"Maybe" I laughed leading her inside.

We walked out into the garden as all sat down on the chairs but when I came Jude stood up again, "let me help you with the drinks" He said giving me a look and I nodded as we walked up the patio steps inside.

"Where is the birthday boy" Jude asked,
"You're never going to believe this, he's upstairs showing Reiss his birthday present" I said and Jude didn't quite get it. "What's wrong with that?" He asked,
"Reiss Nelson" I then correct myself as Jude looked at me shocked, "Reiss Nelson was the first person to arrive at this party?" He exclaimed and I nodded.

"Anyway how have you been?" He then questioned, "good thanks, exhausted but,
good" I smiled. "Sorry I wasn't there to help" Jude then said and I shook my head, "don't be silly, I know you would of if you could" I replied and he nodded giving me a hug.

"I missed you" he then said resting his chin on the top of my head as the doorbell rang, "me too, but I best get that" I laughed as he nodded and let go.

I opened the door and invited my friends and their kids, they all ran out to play with Jeremiah whilst me and Jude caught up with the parents.
We were talking to Sam, Jeremiah's best friend's mum when I heard loud voices instantly knowing who it was.

I looked up to the kitchen as Austin and Jobe appeared at the top of the steps followed by my dad, Vanessa and Jude's parents.
"Dad!" I exclaimed running up to him as he opened his arms, "hey Jaylee, how are you?" He asked.

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