Chapter 25

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Christmas Day


It Christmas Day and both mine and Jaylees family had come round to ours, this morning Jeremiah opens his presents from us and Santa and we'll open presents from out families later.

We were all sat just talking about what we got for Christmas this morning and Jaylee was in the kitchen cooking. We had offered to help but she was a bit stressed and would just rather everyone out the way, so we left her too it.

"I love my new air fryer" my mum smiled going in about it for the tenth time and I rolled my eyes, she's in love with it I swear. "You've told us 11 times mums" Jobe complained and I laughed,
"Well sorry I'm happy and appreciate my gifts" she said sadly, "I'm joking, sorry" Jobe sighed making me laugh more. We then heard a big bang in the kitchen we all looked to the door and I stood up, "I'll go see if she's alright" I smiled and they nodded.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Jaylee standing  there looking at the floor, I followed her eyes and saw all the potatoes on the floor. "You idiot, how did you managed that" I laughed and she started picking them all up as I bent down to help her.
"It's all ruined" she sighed once we had picked them all up, "what no! I liked mashed potatoe" I said looking at the mashed up pile on the tray but Jaylee had turnt away and faced the wall.

I pulled her shoulder back lighting causing her to turn around and look at me, to my surprise she was crying but I guess that's the effects of pregnancy. "It's okay, we can put some more in they don't talk long to cook" I said softly giving her a hug but she shook her head, "I have none left" she cried and I began to rub her back.
"That's okay, we'll get some more" I then said,
"Jobe come here! Austin too!" I called and shortly after they both walked into the room.

"Yes? Woah what on earth is that?" Jobe exclaimed looking at the pile of potatoes, "can you go to the shops and get some new potatoes?" I asked them and Jobe pulled a face, "why us? Cant you?" Jobe complained I was about to say something but Jaylee turnt around and looked at them unimpressed. "Not it's fine we can go" Austin smiled pulling Jobe with him,
"Damn, maybe I should get pregnant, then I'll get what I want" I heard Jobe mutter.
"thank you" I laughed, at how Austin was scared of his own sister and Jobe comment.

"You see you don't need to get upset" I smiled softly to Jaylee and she nodded as she wiped the last of her tears, "thank you Jude" she smiled back giving me another hug as I kissed the top of her head, "no worries, do you need help?" I asked and she nodded.

15 minutes later the boys came back, "here you go" Jobe smiled handing Jaylee the potatoes.
"Thank you" she smiled and started cooking them straight away, "oh and Jude, please any you pay me back for the potatoes?" Jobe asked me, "bro you can afford a pack of potatoes?" I asked giving him the 'are you fr look'.
"There more expensive then you would think you know and I'd rather spend my money on better stuff" Jobe shrugged as Austin tried to hide his laugh.

"Okay how much was it?" I asked him and a massive grin appeared on his face, "oh just 70 quid" he mumbled and I looked at him in shock,
"70 quid! What the fuck did you buy?" I exclaimed and Austin burst out laughing.
"Just the potatoes and a few sweets" Jobe smirked, "a few sweets? What you buying some illegal edibles or something?" I asked not believing he could spend 70 pounds on sweets.

"No I didn't buy drugs! I just brought a few other things as well" Jobe defended himself as even Jaylee had started laughing. "Look we brought flowers to Jaylee for cooking for us!" Austin smiled bringing some flowers and giving them to Jaylee, "Awh thank you" she smiled giving them both a hug. "Erm flowers that I brought" I said to Jaylee and she giggled before coming and giving me a hug and kissing my cheek.
"Aye so you'll give me the money, thanks bro" Jobe smiled running off before I could protest.

Soon dinner was ready and everyone sat down and pulled our crackers before eating, the food was really nice and surprising the potatoes were the best bit. "Told you they were expensive potatoes" Jobe smiled and I rolled my eyes pushing him a bit.
"Don't push!" Jeremiah exclaimed and  Jobe nodded, "yeah it's not very nice to push!" Jobe joined in pulling a sad face. I rubbed my head with my middle finger showing it it Jobe, "Mum did you just see that?" Jobe exclaimed making us all laugh. "Boys your not 5 anymore, you know how to act eating dinner I shouldn't need to separate you" Denise said seriously before breaking into a smile, "even Jeremiah is behaving better then you" Mark then added.

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Sorry its only short

I hate school🧍🏼‍♀️

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