Chapter 31

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It was 3pm, Me, Jeremiah and Austin had just pulled in the car park to go food shopping when I saw Jobe putting some bags in the car. "Oh look it's Jobe!" I smiled pointing him out to Austin, "mhm" he said not seeming to interested driving past him to the other side of the car park. "You're not going to say hi?" I asked him and he shook his head,
"Why not?" I asked and he looked at me annoyed,
"He looked busy" Austin shrugged and I looked at him confused, "not really he was only putting some bags in the car" I replied.
"What don't you get I don't want to talk about it!" He then exclaimed taking me a bit by surprise, "sorry" I muttered getting out the car and opening the door for Jeremiah before unbuckling him.

"Hey JJ want to go in the trolley?" Austin called and he nodded excitedly running off to him, Austin picked him up and put him in the trolley before pushing him towards me where I put the bags in. We began walking round the shops getting stuff we need and we didn't really talk much as I knew he was mad at me and I didn't want to start an argument in the shop. Again.
"Can I get this car!" Jeremiah exclaimed reaching out the trolley and grabbing a toy car, "yes"
"No" me and Austin said at the same time.
"You have enough toys JJ" I said and he looked at me sadly the same face he made when he wanted me to see the goats. "Don't try that, it might of worked last time but not this time" I said.

"It's okay I'll buy it for you" Austin said,
"Yay! Thank you uncle Austin!" He exclaimed wiggling his legs around, "your worse then Vanessa" I laughed.
"He's too cute to say no" he shrugged and I rolled my eyes, "he's going to turn out spoilt at this point" I said and Austin laughed.

We finished our shop and went back to the car driving home ready to watch the England match today but I couldn't get of my mind how Jobe and Austin must of got in an argument as there really close and it was wired of Austin not to say hi.

We got home and I ate ice cream as the match started, in the 35th minute Harry Kane scored with an assist from Jude making us cheer.
"Is daddy coming back tonight?" Jeremiah asked walking in the room seeing his dad in the tv,
"Erm I'm not to sure baby, I'll text him" I smiled as he climbed up onto my lap and Austin gave me a look. At half time, Vanessa came home from work with some McDonald's wich I was very excited about.

The second half started and Jadon had been subbed of and it was all going fine till Trent crossed a ball into the box and Jadon kicked the ball just missing the goal. Trent seemed to of said something and Jadon approached him angrily as Jude appeared behind Trent, Jadon then pushed Trent and Jude pushed Jadon back. "What the fuck!" I exclaimed as the rest of their teammates came to separate them. "What's happening?" Jeremiah panicked as Vanessa picked him up and took him out the room.

I watched as John stones and Declan rice pull Jadon away as he shouted angrily whilst a few others tried to calm Trent and Jude down. Gareth Southgate was shouting at them before the Tv went blank and I looked over to Austin who had turnt it off, "it Happens" Austin shrugged to me and I shook my head, "No, Jadon's there best friend they wouldn't be that angry at him just for missing a shot" I said. "Is it my fault?" I asked and Austin looked at me, clearly thinking of something to say.

"I don't get what's going on with them, but there grown men they should be able to stay professional that's nothing to do with you" Austin said but it didn't help as I knew I must of had part of the reason to do with them arguing.
"I'm messing everything up for everyone" I said bursting into tears as Austin stood up and gave me a hug, "don't say that, what do you mean?" He asked. "First I messed it up for me and Jude, then You and Jobe obviously have a problem and now Jadon is getting in fights with them" I cried.
"It's not your fault Jay, me and Jobe had a little disagreement but we're fine I was just being childish, and they have ruined everything else for themselves" he said.

"Not Jadon though" I said feeling really guilty, "he's helped me so much and always been there for me and he's probably going to get the blame for this as he pushed Trent first" I cried as Venessa walked into the room sitting down next to me. "I told Jeremiah it was a fake fight" she smiled softly and I nodded giving her a small smile. "Jaylee don't stress about this babe, it will all work out" She then said hugging me as I laid my head in my shoulder. "I don't know I bet so many people hate me right now" I sighed,
"Girl don't say that!" She exclaimed.

"It's true tho" I said,
"You're so emo" Austin said rolling his eyes as I threw a pillow at him, "what I'm just saying, so what if they hate you? That's there loss" he said making me smile a little. "Thanks bro, I think im going to go to bed now" I smiled weakly and they both nodded. I went upstairs and got in the shower and cried a bit more as so much had happened in the past few days and I just couldn't control my emotions anymore. I got out after a while and got ready for bed before calling Jeremiah up and getting I'm ready before we both went to bed. But yet again I could hardly sleep as I had to much in my mind.


Air if it didn't make sense I'm so tired but wanted to get it posted🥸

Two chapters on a school day?!?

Thank you so much for 17k views I love you all sm🤗

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