Chapter 18

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Me and Jude had woken up an hour ago and I was now 2pm we had to leave soon to go and meet our family and we both had a bit of a hang over. "You sure your okay?" Jude asked me placing the back of his hand on my forehead to feel my temperature. "You've got a bit of a temperature" he sighed,
"I'll be okay Jude, I'll take some paracetamol just before I leave thank you tho" I smiled and he nodded giving me a hug and kissing my forehead.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him and he nodded, "yeah satin made me feel a lot better" he smiled, "that's good" I replied. I finished getting ready before taking some paracetamol and then leaving the house.

We drove to Jesse's house and I knocked on the door, which Jesse's mum, Kirsty answered, "Ah hello my darling, how was you night?" She smiled giving me and hug, "yeah good thank you, how was he?" I asked. "He's been a pleasure like always, we did some baking!" She smiled excitedly,
"Oh wow, I bet he loved that, thank you" I replied.

Jude then got out the car and came to the door, "hey Jude" Kirsty smiled,
"Hey how are you doing?" Jude smile giving her a hug, "yeah I've been good thanks and did you have a good night?" Kirsty asked and Jude smirked and I elbowed him, "yeah good thanks" he laughed.

"Jeremiah come on mummy and daddy are here!" Kirsty called and Jeremiah came running to the door hugging me, "hey my baby did you have a good night?" I asked him. "Yeah we did baking!" He exclaimed and I smiled, "I heard you did, that's so cool!" I exclaimed before handing him over to Jude.

"We best be off now, we got to go meet our families thanks again" I smiled giving Kirsty a hug, "honestly I really enjoyed it, see you around, bye Jeremiah" she replied.
"Bye bye thank you for having me" Jeremiah smiled, "awh it's my pleasure, that's a very kind thing to say" Kirsty said and he smiled proudly.

We got into the car and drove to Jude's parents house and my dad's car was already in the drive way, we parked the car then went in and greeted everyone.

We were all sat down talking and Jeremiah and gone upstairs for a nap, my headache had started to come back so I laid my head on Jude's shoulder, "you alright?" He asked me and I nodded, "you can go upstairs and sleep if you want, they won't mind" he spoke softly.
"It's okay I want to stay here" I replied and he nodded. "Okay do you want paracetamol or anything?" He then asked and I shook her head,
"I'll be okay but thank you."

"Okay just let me know if you need anything" Jude said kissing my head and I nodded slowly drifting of to sleep.


I jolted awake to the sound of someone screaming and I assumed it was Jobe, I kept my eyes closed and tried to go back to sleep, the headache was gone but I still left tired.
"Shut up bro" Jude spoke gently rubbing my arm,
"Sorry, don't want to wake your girlfriend up" jobe then laughed with Austin. "Whatever, just be quiet she didn't feel good" Jude replied.

I tired to go to sleep but I was to focused on the game they were playing, "alright Austin your go" Denise  said "oh gosh, what animal has 3 vaginas?" Denise laughed.
"What kind of questions is that?" Austin complained.
"It's a kola" I spoke sitting up,
"Hey don't tell him!" Jobe complained.

"Since when were you awake and why do you even know that?" My dad asked confused and I laughed, "whose cares that puts me in the lead, thanks sis" Austin cheered.

"Anyway, are you  feeling okay Jay?" Denise asked and I nodded, "I'm feeling much better thank you" I smiled,
"That's good, if you need anything let me know and Jude will get it for you" she said and I laughed a little, "thank you"

We soon finished the game and Mark ended up wining wich he was very happy about, Denise was cooking the food so I decided to go and wake Jeremiah up, I walked up to the spare room he was sleeping in. "Hey my baby, time to wake up" I spoke softly stroking the side of his face as he slowly opened his eyes, "did you sleep well?" I asked him and he nodded as he was still quite sleepy.

I picked him up and carried him downstairs, "ah here the main man is" mark smiled when he saw Jeremiah but he looked and him angry and made some angry noise, "someone woke up in the wrong side of bed" I laughed and he crossed his arms. I sat him down on the couch and was going to go help Denise but he grabbed me and wanted me to pick him up again, "no sorry JJ I need to go help cook" I explained but he didn't look impressed and started crying.

"No don't cry, look go to daddy" I said trying to calm him down and Jude tried to pick him up,
"No!" Jeremiah shouted slapping Jude hand off him and reaching out for me. "Jeremiah, we don't hit, I need to go help, you can go to anyone one else okay?" I said trying to reason with him but he didn't listen.

"Jeremiah calm down, what's up?" Jude asked picking him up so Jeremiah was facing him and I slowly walked out the room leaving Jude to sort it.

"Hey" I smiled to Denise when I walked into the kitchen, "Hey my darling is everything alright in there?" She asked laughing.
"Yeah Jeremiah just woke up and he's not very happy" I laughed and she shook her head,
"Oh gosh" she giggled slightly.

"Do you need any help?" I asked her,
"Oh that would be lovely if you don't mind" Denise smiled, "of course what would you like me to do?" I replied.
"Could you peel the vegetables please" she said and I nodded.

We soon finished cooking and called everyone to the table, Jeremiah had calmed down and the food was really good. After dinner my parents and Twin had to drive home as otherwise they would arrive back really late and we left not much later.


Bit of a boring one to move it along but the next two chapters you are going to love🤭

Love is a game | Jude BellinghamDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora