Chapter 41

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Jeremiah has been at my house for the last 4 weeks after spending a month with Jude, the season was now over so Jude was on his way back to England now. I had woken up early and cleaned the house before Jeremiah was a wake and I then heard movement from upstairs,
I walked up and opened his door to see him sat on his bed playing with teddies.

"Good morning" I smiled going up and giving him a hug, "good morning Mummy! Is daddy coming today?" He asked and I nodded excitedly.
"He will be here in a few hours" I replied and he smiled excitedly, "do you want breakfast? We can get McDonald's" I said but he shook his head.
"You're not hungry?" I asked confused and he shook his head, "are you feeling okay?" I then asked feeling is head and he shook his head.
I then realised the reason he must not want to go is because he was worried he would miss out on seeing Jude, "we will be back in time for when daddy gets home, don't worry" I replied as he laid his head in my shoulder.

I carried him into the bathroom and helped him brush his teeth, "so do you want to go McDonald's?" I asked and he nodded excitedly making me smile, "okay, let's go get changed" I replied and he nodded jumping off the bath.
I got him changed and got his shoes on before leaving the house. We got the food and Jeremiah sat down eating it, he was upset because I didn't let him go in the nasty McDonald's tablets but he was soon happy once he got his toy.

Jude's plane was due in soon so instead of going home I drove straight to the airport but I'd didn't tell Jeremiah that, I pulled into the airport and that's when Jeremiah noticed where we were.
"Is this the airport mummy?" I asked,
"It is, do you know why we're here?" I asked and he shook his head frowning.
"When do you get on a plane JJ?" I asked,
"To go see daddy!" He exclaimed and I laughed,
"Daddy should be here soon" I smiled and he danced around excitedly.

We got out the car and waiting for Jude and Denise at the back entrance and I soon saw him in the distance, "JJ" I said grabbing his attention from the phone, "look over there" I then said, he looked confused before finally realising putting the phone in the seat and running to Jude.
"Daddy!" He exclaimed as Jude did a little run to him and then picking him, I watched Jude pick him up and kiss his cheek and then said something to him.

They soon arrived to me and both had matching smiles on their face, "hey" I smiled to Jude,
"Hey, you alright?" He asked and I nodded.
"Hey Jaylee" Denise then said giving me a hug,
"Hey how are you?" I asked hugging her back,
"Yeah I'm good thanks, tired but good" she smiled and I nodded.

"So how has England been Jeremiah?" Denise then asked, "Good!" Jeremiah replied making us all smile a bit, "Jeremiah has been doing a lot of football and he's very good" I said speaking for him and Jude gasped, "is that true? You will have to show me" Jude said to him as he nodded excitedly, "I also got some new dinosaurs I need to show you!" Jeremiah then exclaimed as we  walked back car, as he spoke to Jude I turnt to Denise.

"How is the pregnancy going?" Denise asked,
"It's been good thanks, far less scary then Jeremiah's but I'm much more tired now" I replied.
"That was the same with me, Jude I was so scared every movement even would hold my breath if someone was smoking near by but Jobe, I was a lot more relaxed" Denisse nodded and I smiled.

We then arrived at the car, Denise sat in the front with me as Jude sat in the back with Jeremiah,
We drove to Marks house and he was already smiling excitedly at the door.
I pulled in the driveway and Denise ran and gave him a big hug making me smile, I got out the car and went to take out some of the bags when Jude stopped me. "Don't be silly, I can get them" he said holding my arm, "they're not to heavy, it's okay" I replied but Jude just shook his head taking the suitcases out.
"Thank you" I smiled,
"Of course Jaylee, you need to rest" he replied.

We went inside and said hello to Mark and Jobe then all sat down in the sofa, Denise had gotten Jeremiah some toys so he was sat there playing with them as we all talked about different things.
My back was begging to hurt early but it was really being to hurt now Expesially as I was getting tired, "shit" I muttered trying to stretch my back out but it didn't seem to help.
"You alright?" Jude asked looked over to me worried so did everyone else, "yeah, my back just really hurts sorry" I smiled.

"Do you want paracetamol?" Jobe asked,
"yes please, that would be great" I replied and Jobe nodded going to stand up but jude beat him to it, "it's okay, I'll do it, come with me" he said reaching out both his hands wich I took and stood up. We walked upstairs and Jude gave me some water and paracetamol, "I saw this thing that might help a bit" Jude said and I looked at him confused, "here turn around" he then said and I listened.

He wrapped his arms around me and then slowly lifted up the bump, I instantly felt relieved. "Is it good?" Jude asked and I nodded, "it's like a huge weight has just been lifted off of me" I said and he smiled.

"That feels so good" I then said and Jude laughed, "it's kinda hurting my back" he said slowly letting go and I looked at him unimpressed and he laughed raising his hands up. "You want to go sleep for a few hours? I'll wake you up for dinner" Jude then said,
"Would they mind" as asked,
"Don't be silly, I won't be Surprised if they all do the same because I'm sure tired" Jude laughed and so did I.

"Do you need anything else?" Jude then asked and I shook my head, "I'm all good thank you" I replied, "okay, I'll leave you to sleep, sleep well Jay" he said softly and I smiled,
"Thank you Jude"

I got changed into some spare clothes I had at the house and got into bed, I thought how Jude was being so nice to me I knew I should stop him but, I couldn't. I had missed him so much, and no matter how much he hurts me, he still seems to be the only one I'll ever want.


I only have motivation to update this book😭

Do you understand that we will never be the same again🕺🏻🕺🏻

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