chapter 37

685 19 22

Jaylees POV:

Today I was officially 19 weeks pregnant and I had to go for a baby scan, Tolami and Mia had kindly offered to take me and I had agreed.
I heard there car beep outside so I called Jeremiah and we walked out, "hey girl" Tolami smiled as I place Jeremiah booster seat in the car before sitting him on it and buckling up.
"Hey guys, thanks so much for this" I smiled and they both nodded, "of course, I'm excited" Mia replied and I smiled.

Tolami started driving and we first stopped if a Jobes house, "I'll just be a sec, come on JJ " I smiled getting out the car and leading Jeremiah to the front door. I rang the door bell and the door quickly opened, "hey Jobe" I smiled giving him a hug. "Hey you alright?" He asked, "I'm good thanks, you?" I replied and he nodded.
"Thank you for looking after Jeremiah for me" I smiled and he nodded, "of course, I have training this afternoon so I might have to leave him with my dad" he said.
"It's that alright with him, I mean I shouldn't be that long" I said,
"Of course he loves Jeremiah" Jobe said and I smiled.

"Well I best be off I don't want to miss the scan" I laughed and Jobe nodded, "good luck Jay, let me Joe how it goes" he said.
"I will do, thank again" I smiled before walking back to the car.

We soon arrived at the doctors and went in, we waited for my name to be called wich it shortly did. "Hey Jaylee, I'm Midwife Emily" the midwife smiled, "hey nice to meet you" I smiled sitting down on the bed. "Is that father joking us?" She asked wich I thought was a bit rude, "no but we're here so it doesn't matter" Mia said and I smiled at her and she nodded. "Okay then, and I assume this is your first child" she said, "erm no, it's my second actually" I said and she looked at me in disgust. "And you're 20?" She asked and I nodded as she raised her eyebrows at me, I looked to the girls and they both gave me a knowing and sympathetic look.

The midwife then out the gel on my stomach without warning and it came as a bit of a shock,
"Sorry, I just thought you were use to it" she said.
Tolami looked like she was about to say something but I gestured for her to stop and thankfully she did. "Everything is good" Emily said after a while as she gave me a tissue to wipe my stomach with, "thank you" I replied but she didn't seem to take any notice. She then printed out 5 baby scan pictures for me and placed them in my hand before walking out the room without saying anything.

"What the hell was that?" Tolami said angrily and I shurgged, "let's just get out of here" I sighed and the girl nodded. We walked out and thanked the receptionist, then got in the car and drove to Jobe's house.

We all got out a knocked on the door, "oh, that was quick" Jobe said and I nodded,
"Im glad it was if we were with that lady any longer I would have lost it" Tolami laughed as Mia agreed. "What happened?" Jobe asked as he let us all inside, "the midwife was a bitch" Mia said and Jobe looked at me confused.
"What did she do? Are you alright?" Jobe asked me, "I'm okay, she was just judgemental about the two kids at 20 and how the dad wasn't there"
I explained as we walked through to the kitchen where Jeremiah was cooking with Mark.

"Mummy!" Jeremiah exclaimed running and giving me a hug, "hey baby, what are you making?" I asked. "Cookies!" Jeremiah cheered running back to mark who helped him stand back up in the chair. "How was it? Do you have a picture?" Mark asked and I nodded, getting the baby scan out my bag and passing it to him.
"Wow, she's so big now" he smiled and I nodded,
"Jeremiah look at your little sister" mark smiled showing him the picture and Jeremiah smiled at it excitedly. "How long now?" he asked,
"Quite a while JJ, 5 more months" I laughed as he frowned.

Just then my phone began ringing so I walked at the room and saw it was Jude so I answered, "hey how was the scan?" He asked.
"Erm I hated the midwife, but the baby is all good" I smiled,
"What was happened with the midwife?" Jude asked and I sighed, "she was a bit judgey about me being 20 with my second kid in the way and that the dad wasn't there" I said instantly regretted the last bit. "Sorry" Jude said and I stayed silent, "when you come to Spain I will book you in for an appointment with Alex" he said. "It's okay Jude" I replied shaking my head,
"No Jay, I want you to, by the sounds of it that lady might of not even check properly" Jude said.

"Okay" I smiled and so did he,
"How are you?" Jude then asked,
"Jude" I spoke and he looked at me confused,
"Don't. Jude" I then said but he still didn't seem to get the hints, "I only talk to you for our kids, nothing more" I said and I saw the confused looked turn into a sad one.
No matter how much it broke my heart I had promised myself I wouldn't go back to him.

"Mummy!" I heard Jeremiah call and then heard little feet running home the stairs, I quickly wiped my eyes and stood up off my bed.
"You alright?" I asked him,
"The cookies are ready!" He smiled taking my hand and pulling me down the stairs.
I walked into the room and everyone looked at me, my puffy eyes made it obvious I had been crying. The silence was becoming unbearable as mark helped Jeremiah getting the cookies out and then broke the silence by saying, "Jeremiah gets to try the first one."

We all watched as Jeremiah had his cookie,
"Is it good baby?" I asked and he nodded.
"Try one mummy!" He exclaimed and I went up and tried one, "wow this is so good! Maybe you should be a chef" I exclaimed making him clap his hands with excitement as everyone else took one.

"Well I have to get to training now" Jobe said,
"Okay, have fun" Mark smiled,
"Yeah enjoy"
"Bye Jobe"
We all said our goodbyes and the Jeremiah gave Jobe a quick hug before he left the room.

We stayed with mark for a little while longer before we all left too, the girls dropped me and Jeremiah off first and we just spent the rest of the day watching movies and playing football.


Hope you enjoyed💕

Sorry it's kinda rushed and not proof read😅

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