Chapter 2

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3 days later

I woke up to the sun shining through the crack in the curtain, I slowly moved away from Xavier trying not to wake him and I got out of bed. I went to the toilet and brushed my teeth and when I opened the bathroom door again I saw Jeremiah standing outside it. "good morning" I smiled picking him up and hugging him.

"good morning mummy, I'm hungry," he said.
"okay let's get you some breakfast" I smiled at him.

We walked downstairs and I placed him on a seat at the kitchen island, I got him out some coco Pops and poured them and some milk into a bowl. "there you go" I smiled placing the cereal in front of him, "Thank you mummy" he smiled.

"You're welcome, I was thinking of going to the shops for a bit today, do you want to come?" I asked him. "Will I get a toy?" he replied excitedly with wide eyes.
"if you're a good boy" I laughed and he nodded.

Just then I felt Xavier's arms wrapped around me and he kissed me on the neck. "good morning Xavier" I smiled turning round and kissing him.
"I'm going to the shops with Jeremiah today, do you want to come?" I asked him hopefully.

"nah sorry" he replied simply, recently he hadn't been going anywhere with me and had been going out by himself a lot.
"oh okay" I smiled weakly before tidying away some things from the sink.

"Mum look it's daddy!" Jeremiah exclaimed pointing at the screen, he was playing with the remote and somehow ended up on a football talk show or something. "ohh yeah, that's cool" I smiled at him.

I left Jeremiah downstairs to eat with Xavier whilst I showered and got ready, I came downstairs and saw milk spilt everywhere and Jeremiah trying to wipe it up whilst crying.

I picked him up and rubbed his back, "don't cry my baby it was an accident" I said softly.
I wiped away his tears and smiled at him "Sorry mummy" he cried. "it's alright you don't need to be sorry or upset by this" I replied.

I put him down in the chair and began to clean up the mess, at some point, Jeremiah had cheered up and gone to play. "Have you finished cleaning?" I heard Xavier say angrily coming out of the downstairs bathroom.

"go clean up your mess now Jeremiah!" he shouted and I stood up from behind the counter.

"don't shout at him like that!" I spat. "oh, you down here, he needs to learn his lesson" Xavier shrugged.

"Baby go play," I said to Jeremiah and he ran off upstairs "he's three Xavier it was a mistake don't fucking shout at him"

"that kid will grow up spoilt if he didn't get shouted at" He shouted back. "Xavier I found him trying to clean up with a damp tissue as he cried his eyes out what lesson does that teach him!" I said angrily.

"Okay I'm sorry" he sighed and I nodded "I'm going out with Erm Ben"  he said walking out.

He's acting more wired each day

I finished cleaning the mess and then went to help Jeremiah to get changed, I put him in some green shorts and a white top before leaving the house.

We arrived at the shopping centre and went into a few shops and whilst in Tk max I realised I couldn't see Jeremiah anywhere.

I heard a scream in the row next to mine, I looked over a saw two teenage girls now laughing and Jeremiah stood there smiling proudly before running back into the clothes to hide again.

"oh my gosh, I'm so sorry girls!" I exclaimed laughing at the same time. "it's okay he's so cute" One of them smiled and I laughed.

"Jeremiah get out of the clothes" I laughed and he came back out laughing, "You can't just jump out at people like that!"

Love is a game | Jude BellinghamKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat