Chapter 30

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I zipped up Jeremiah's all in one wind breaker outfit and helped him out in his boots before I put my coat on and we went outside with Vanessa. "You excited to see all the animals?" Vanessa asked Jeremiah as we began to drive to the local farm, "yeah!" He exclaimed making us both smile. "What about you Jay?" She laughed knowing I saw scared of most animals, "don't even" I said making her laugh.

"What animal you most excited to see JJ?" Vanessa then asked, "the pigs and chickens like in moana!" He exclaimed making me giggle,
"That's cool! I'm excited to see the goats" Vanessa said excitedly. We soon arrived at the farm and got out the car and it was already so muddy and Jeremiah started jumping around, "oh my god" I muttered to myself stepping out the car. We brought our tickets and walked in and Jeremiah started running off, "Jeremiah stop there!" I said but he didn't, "Jeremiah we've talked about this before I don't want to have to take you home!" I then called and he then stopped running as we caught up.

"Good boy, I've told you don't run off you could get lost if hurt okay?" I said and he nodded hugging me leg, "sorry mummy" he said,
"It's okay my baby, but ask if you want to go somewhere" I said taking his hand so he didn't run off again. "Look the pigs!" Jeremiah then exclaimed pulling me towards the pen, "that's cool!" I fake smiled making Vanessa laugh.
"Does he run off a lot?" Vanessa then asked as Jeremiah was occupied with the pigs, "recently yeah" I sighed and she laugh,
"My younger brother had that phase, he'll grow out of it soon" she said reassuringly and I nodded as it will be a nightmare when I'm even more pregnant and when I have to of them to look after.

After looking at the pigs for a while we then went to feed the goats and I planned on staying outside so when they went to the gate we I stood to the side, "your not coming?" Vanessa asked.
"No way!" I exclaimed making her laugh,
"Please mummy" Jeremiah said with a sad face,
"Awh look you have to come Jaylee" Vanessa said making me give in, "fine" I said and Vanessa smiled as Jeremiah jumped up and down.


I was at home working in the computer when the door bell rang so I got up and answered it. To my surprise Jobe was stood at my door, "oh hey bro you alright?" I said bro hugging him.
"Yeah I just came to pick up Jude's bag" Jobe said stepping inside. "Oh where's Jude then" I asked, "he didn't want to come, is Jaylee here?" He asked.
"No she's not and why didn't he want to come?" I questioned, "can you blame him, she lied to him" Jobe said and I shook my head, "that's not true" I said. "Hmm it's not what Jude told me" he shrugged and I looked at him in disbelief, "you believe Jay would do that?" I asked.

"I didn't believe it myself when I heard it but I guess people change" he shrugged,
"The baby is Jude's" I said getting a bit angry now, "sure" Jobe muttered walking upstairs and grabbing the bag before coming back down again . "You're not going to even her Jaylee's side of the story?" I asked and he shook him,
"Jude told me" he said simply and I laughed at his stupidity. "You're just as stubborn as your brother" I said as he walked out the house, "yeah yeah" he mumbled slamming the door.

Not to long after Vanessa soon arrived back home, "hey" I smiled kissing her "did you have a good time?" I asked and she nodded.
"Was that Jobe?" Jaylee then asked walking in with Jeremiah asleep in her arm "Yeah it was" I replied and she nodded, "I'm just going to take him up" she said and I nodded.
I sat down on the sofa next to Vanessa and then Jaylee came down, "why was Jobe here?" She asked. "He was getting Jude's stuff" I said,
"Jude didn't come?" She asked sadly and I shook my head, "sorry sis" I said.
"Do you think I should try to talk to him?" She then asked, "no, if we want to he will, if he doesn't that's his fault and it shows a lot" I replied and she nodded.

"How was Jobe about it?" Vanessa then asked,
"He's fine we just didn't really speak about it." I said not wanting Jaylee to worry and she nodded as Vanessa gave me an unconvincing look.

Chapter 30 already😮‍💨

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Cba to proof read😫

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