Chapter 8

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Everyone was gathered in the hall after the funeral, for the wake, music was playing and a few people were dancing but I didn't feel like doing anything. I was on a chair by myself watching Jeremiah dance around with Trent when I saw Doctor Louise walk into the room.

She came over to me, "Hey, I'm so-" she began speaking but I cut her "Don't talk to me." I said and she looked at me shocked. "You're a Liar!" I then shouted as I felt someone hold my arm.


"You're a Liar!" I heard Jaylee shout and I looked over to see her standing with the doctor her mum was friends with, from the hospital. I went over and held her arm which she didn't seem to take much notice of, "What?" the doctor asked.

"You Promised me she would be alright, you said you would take care of her!" Jaylee shouted as tears began to roll down her face, "Jaylee" I said softly trying to put my arm around her but she pushed me away.

"You don't think I blame myself ever day? I tried my best Jaylee!" The Doctor replied back and Jaylee shook her head, "You promised!" She said angrily. "I know I'm sorry, I thought I could save her, I- tried!"
"Well my mums dead because of you! They should have got a real doctor, one that can actually do their job!" Jaylee shouted before walking out the room, I gave the doctor an apologetic smiled and she nodded as a tear rolled down her cheek.

I looked for Jeremiah and was revealed to see Trent had obviously spotted the commotion and taken Him and some other kids outside to play, I walked out the door to the stair case and saw Jaylee sat on the steps so I went and sat next to her.

"What is my fucking problem" she said angrily as her hand were shaking, "I didn't mean to say that, I just-" she began speaking but stopped mid sentence. "It's okay Jaylee" I said wrapping my arm around her as she placed her head in my shoulder. "I messed up, she looked so upset" She cried and I nodded, "You were pretty harsh but I'm sure she understand, your grieving Jaylee it can be hard" I spoke softly and she nodded.

"Why the fuck did I say that, I ruined everything!" She cried, "no it's okay, you can apologise and I know she will forgive you" I said trying to calm her down. "My mum would be so disappointed" she muttered and I froze not knowing how to reply. "Don't say that, I'm sure she's looking down at you so proud, it's a big thing to even be here today, your bound to get upset" I said wiping her tears and she nodded.

We stayed in silence for a few minutes it wasn't silent we were both just thinking, "Remember when you first met my parents and you and my mum slipped in those rocks falling into the sea" Jaylee laughed and I nodded, "That was so funny, I was nervous to meet you parents but, they were just exactly like you" I replied.
"I remember when your mum and I went on the ride at winter wonderland and her shoe fell of, so I had to giver her a piggy back to the shop and the only shoes there was were Elsa slippers, so she wore them around" I then laughed, "Oh my gosh! can't believe she did that I was so embarrassed"

We were laughing telling more memories when we heard 'Angels' by Robbie Williams come on, and we both gasped, at savannahs 50th birthday she made me get up and dance with her to this song infront of the whole party and after a while she dragged Jaylee and her dad in too and we all danced together.

"You wanna dance?" I asked Jaylee and she nodded excitedly, I took her hand and we walked to the dance floor. A lot of people must of know this was Savannahs favourite song as they had all gotten up to dance.

We all began singing and dancing and I felt someone grabbed my leg, I looked down and saw Jeremiah smiling, so I picked him up and he danced with us. The next song came on and I saw Jaylee looking out the window, I followed her eyes and saw the doctor sat on the step Smoking. I nodded to Jaylee and she gave me a small smiled before walking outside as I stayed dancing with Jeremiah.


"Hey" I said walking up to Louise,
"What do you want" she said with no emotion, "I came to apologise what I did was out of order" I spoke, "I'm sorry, I was so angry and upset I felt like I had to let it all out of someone, I wish I could control it and as soon as I said it I instantly regret it" I then carried on but Louise stayed silent. "Look I know you may hate me and never want to talk to me again but, it was your fault my mum died it the way things happen, it was her time" I said and Louise looked at me and gave me a hug.

"It's okay, I understand" she said weakly and I nodded, "Thank you"

We both went back into the party and went and spoke to my brother and dad for a bit and before we knew everyone had gone home and it was just me, my family, Jude and Austin's girlfriend. "you guys ready to go home?" My dad asked as we all nodded walking to the car park.

We drove home and all went straight to bed as we were all exhausted, I tucked Jeremiah in before getting into bed with Jude. "Thank you for being so supportive today it means a lot" I smiled softly and he nodded, "Of course, anything for you" Jude said I smiled. We looked at each other for a second before going in to kiss each other, his lips were so soft I never wanted to let go. Jude soon pulled away and smiled at me a bit, "Good night Jay, sleep well" he said and I smiled, "Yeah, Good night"



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