Chapter 34

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Jude's pov:

Today my mum was coming back to Spain from her holidays and I hadn't exactly told her about the whole situation, I left Jeremiah with Jaylee without saying anything but it just broke my heart to much to say anything. Finding out the baby wasn't mine tore my heart into millions of pieces, I didn't even believe it at first but after talking to Xavier and realising that's why her and Jadon were being so secretive made me understand maybe I just didn't want to believe it.

I couldn't think straight the whole morning as I'm scared for my mums reaction and I'm more scared knowing she could be turning by up anytime soon. I was swiping through instagram when the door bell rang, I hesitantly went and opened the door. "Hey mum how was your trip?" I smiled giving her a hug and taking the suitcase,
"It was amazing! I've got so many stories to tell you guys" she said making my heart drop, I smiled and nodded before leading her into the living room.

"So where is the rest of your Lovley family? I've got gifts" my mum said excitedly as I rubbed the back of my neck, "there in England mum" I said and she looked at me in shock. "Why did something happen?" She asked and I let out a heavy sighed, "what did you do?" She then asked making me looked up.
"Nothing! it's more like what did Jaylee do" I said and my mum raised an eyebrow, "what do you mean?" She asked.
"That baby is mine" I muttered,
"WHAT!" my mum exclaimed standing up.

"I said the-" I began to speak but she cut me,
"I heard that bit but explain" she said pacing up and down the room, "mum sit down" I groaned covering my face with my hand. "Sorry I just don't understand" she sighed,
"Neither do I"

"So what happened?" My mum asked,
"We were at some party with the England team and somehow Xavier was there, he came up to us and asked a bit about the baby before turning to Jaylee and asking are you sure it's not mine" I began and my mum looked at me in shock, "by Jaylee wouldn't lie like that" she said and I shrugged. "That's what I thought so I spoke to Xavier a bit more and he told me about how he met up with Jaylee whilst she was back in England and then the day before Jaylee told me she was pregnant Jadon had flown over and they were acting all secretive" I explained and my mum was just sat in silence.

"I just don't get it, have you spoken to her?" My mum asked and I shook my head,
"No, well, she was in hospital the last few days as she had really bad stomach pains due to stress and of course I was there with Jeremiah, we spoke a bit but nothing about the situation but her dad was angry I was there" I said.
"She was in hospital?" My mum asked and I nodded, "Jude why was she so stressed? And why was her dad angry?" My mum asked.

"I don't know, maybe he's at me for not being the best dad to Jeremiah right now but, I'm really trying" I said as a felt a singular tear drop as my mum came over to hug me.
"I miss her mum, I miss them so much" I said resting my head in my hands as she rubbed my back like I was a little boy again. "Somethings not adding up here, I will figure it out, I'm sure it will all work out" she said and I looked up at her unconvinced. "Mother's instincts" she smirked and rolled my eyes, after a while my mum had gone upstairs to settle in so I decided to work out.

I went to my gym and ran on the treadmill before lifting some weight and the just playing one touch against my wall, I had finished after 2 hours and went upstairs or a shower. I got dressed into some tracksuit bottoms and came downstairs and my mum was sat in the sofa not looking too impressed, "what?" I asked taking a seat opposite her. "You never told me about how Jobe and Jadon both tried to speak to you but you didn't have none of it" she said and I looked at her confused, "I spoke to Jobe" she then said and I nodded.

"Jude the baby is yours" she said as I felt my heart beat faster, "I don't understand" I muttered. "They tried to tell you Jude, the reason Jaylee and Jadon acted that why is because Jaylee wasn't sure herself but she would never lie to you" my mum explained,
"But Xavier-" I then said trying to make sense of it all, "you chose you believe Xavier over Jaylee and Jadon" my mum said angrily.
"I wasn't thinking I-" I said trying to explain myself but it was no use as I knew I had fucked up. "No wonder the poor girl was so stressed" my mum then said making me stand up and walk out the room, I had messed up badly.

I went upstairs and laid on my bed figuring out what to do and I decided to call Trent, "hey bro" Trent smiled when he came on the screen. "Hey, I need your help" I said and he nodded telling me to continue talking. "The baby is mine" I let out in one breath and Trent looked a me in shock,
"I don't understand, you told me there was no way it could possibly be yours" Trent said confused and I sigh. "Maybe I took it out of proportion as I was angry, but it's mine Trent" I said and he shook his head, "I can't believe you've done this" he said making my heart dropped, "I got in a fight with Jadon and ignored Jaylee because of this" Trent said angrily.

"Sorry" I muttered but he just hang up the call,
I covered my face with my hands as I tried to figure out how to sort this mess out.

I woke up to my phone ringing in my pillow and realised I must have fallen asleep, I grabbed my phone and saw Jaylee calling and I thought I was still dreaming. I answered the call and saw Jaylee holding the phone and when she was me she quickly passed it to Jeremiah, "Hey JJ" I smiled as he waved in the camera, "daddy look what I got!" He exclaimed showing me a toy dinosaur,
"Wow what's his name?" I asked and he thought for a second, "Phillip!" He exclaimed making me a little. "Nice name, have you had a good day?" I asked and he nodded, "I went to the shops with Uncle Jobe!"

"Oh cool what else did you get other than your dinosaur?" I asked,
"We got mummy some ice cream and flowers as Uncle Jobe said she was upset" Jeremiah said and I bit my lip nodded, "that's kind, are you being a good boy for mummy?" I asked and he nodded. "baby was kicking mummy earlier!" He then exclaimed, "no way! She's going to be a great football" I said and Jeremiah smiled excitedly. I felt so guilty as I should have been there for the baby's first kick and Jaylee is not doing to well and it's all my fault.

"Jeremiah dinner" I then hear Jaylee say and Jeremiah nodded, "I have to go" Jeremiah said and I nodded, "that's okay, enjoy your dinner, I love you" I said blowing a kiss.
"I love you too" Jeremiah said kissing the camrea making me laugh and so did he, "oh wait JJ can you pass the phone to mummy?" I then asked and he nodded getting off the sofa and running.

"Daddy wants to speak to you!" Jeremiah exclaimed and I saw Jaylee take the phone,
"Hey" I said and she smiled at me weakly.
"How are you?" I then asked and she let out a sigh, "Jude sorry now's not the time, dinner is ready" she said and I nodded.
"That's okay, I understand" I said and she nodded, before hanging up the call.
I stared at the phone for a few minutes before turning it off  completely and going back to bed.


Jude has finally realised his mistake🤦🏼‍♀️

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