Chapter 43

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We had all arrived at st gorges for the euros,
The whole team was chilling in the games room I was in one corner of the room with James Maddison whilst Trent was in on the other with Jadon. I'm sure everyone could still sense the tension as me and Trent where always together but now we could barley look at each other,
Just then Gareth called both me and Trent into his office.

"Hello boys, take a seat" Gareth said and we both listened still not saying a word, "look boys, I don't know what has happened here but what I do know is that your teammates, your best mates and don't think I won't kick you both off if we can't make this work" Gareth said sternly and we both nodded, "I'm not going to get involved but in tomorrows practice I expect to see you guys talking and working as a team. None of that silly stuff you did last match, even if you hate each other, you need to stay professional it effects the rest of the team too" he spoke,
"Yes, Gareth sorry" I said watching Trent then follow in suit,
"Sorry Gareth" he said and Gareth nodded,
"It's okay, I'm putting you guys in the same room, I don't want to speak to you about this again" he said.

"Okay, sorry Gareth thank you for your time" Trent said standing up and I did, "thank you, we will work on it" I said following Trent out. We went to the lobby and everyone was in there rooms so we took our bags up to the room and then sat in your beds.

"Trent" I then said looking at him and he was laying on his back looking at his phone, "Trent can you talk to me" I said getting annoyed but he still didn't answer, "Trent come on, we need to sort this out" I said and he sighed placing his phone down. "We don't need to talk about anything, I can be professional, but off pitch I don't care" He said and placed my head in my hands, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lie, I was mad, Xavier had told me some shit, I didn't know what to believe" I explained and Trent sat up laughing miserably.

"Didn't know what to believe? Fair enough, but you told me it couldn't possibly be your baby, don't get how that could be so Confusing" Trent said back and I thought for a second.
"Okay yes I fucked up, my mind was a mess, I just wanted someone to be on my side" I said and Trent scoffed,
"So you lie, I trusted you Jude, I was rude to Jaylee and Jadon and they deserved none of it"

"I know, I wish I didn't" I sighed knowing there was not point arguing as I was wrong and Trent would always win. "Please forgive me Trent, I would do anything, it was a mistake, I've realised that and you don't think I'm Giving myself a hard enough time about it" I said practically begging.

"I understand that you must of be hurting, I get it makes you do things with out thinking, I'll forgive you but I won't forget this" Trent said and I nodded,
"Thank you, I won't break your trust again" I said and he nodded.
"Thank you for taking care of Jaylee too" I then said and he nodded, "of course, she's been through so much" Trent replied.

"She so strong, I wish I could just help her more" I sighed, "just be there for her bro, she loves you so much" Trent replied.
"Yeah, no after all I've done" I sighed laying down looking at the ceiling,
"When I was in the car when you guys called her, I saw the way she looked at you, she even said it herself" Trent said causing me to sit straight back up. "Really?"

"Yes, everyone can see it" Trent laughed as a big smile appeared on my face, "we need to go down for dinner now" Trent then said and I nodded standing up and following him out the room with a smile that couldn't leave my face.

"You guys good then?" Jadon asked as we both walked into the canteen together and we both nodded, "and what the hell are you smiling about?" Jadon then asked and I just smiled and shrugged as Trent laughed before mouthing something about a group chat and point at his phone and I knew what he was on about.
"Not that stupid group chat" I laughed.

Gareth then walked into the room and looked around, he then spotted me and Trent sat next to each other and a big smile appeared on his face.
"Maybe he has a mission Trent and Jude group chat" Jadon said making us laugh,
"The thing is I wouldn't even be Suprised" I added on and everyone agreed.


Sorry is only short😓

Jude and Trent friends again.....
Jude realising Jaylee still likes him....
Mission Jb + Jaylee 📈📈

Love is a game | Jude BellinghamМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя