-CH 33- Truth

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This chapter is a bit long.

Anika Marklod ** 2022

I woke up in my room, it was really cold and cloudy outside, maybe it was going to rain or something, I checked the time, it was still 8:30am, it was the weekend  so I had plans with Kyle like we always used to do, we would go to fancy restaurants, and buy food I never really dreamed of trying, I was really lucky to have him in my life.

I looked in the mirror, my brown hair was a bit messy, so I combed it down, I then went down stairs where I saw my mother cooking breakfast and, Liam was sitting there too. Liam is my older brother, he is 24 years old, his dark blonde hair was combed to the back neatly, which he only did if he had a meeting or something. 

"Morning, Why are you all dressed up?" I uttered as I sat down, waiting for mom to finish preparing breakfast.

"I have a work interview this evening, but I will go buy some stuff first so I decided to get dressed early." he said with a shrug. Now that I was facing him, he was actually wearing a suit, it looked so good on him, I smiled softly then checked my phone.

Only to see a text from Kyle.

Blossomstars_143 (Kyle): Hi Anika, just wanted to remind you, we're going to the new cafe that just opened yesterday💘a car will pick you up at 5:30.

I raised an eyebrow, that wasn't our actual plan... and he always calls me babe or cupcake.

Cupcakeblossom_143 (Anika): eh? why did you suddenly change  your mind? didn't you say it was too boring?

Blossomstars_143 (Kyle): Well I just changed my mind, you want it, so we will do what you want <3  

It was sweet... but something felt off about him... I don't know why.

Cupcakeblossom_143 (Anika): Are you sure?

Blossomstars_143 (Kyle): yeah yeah, don't think too much about it okay? 

I was about to text him back but Liam snatched the phone from me.

"You're seriously texting that jerk so early in the morning?" he said while taking a bite of his food.

"Hey! Liam give it back it's none of your business!"

"Hmm, you're going out again? where are you going?" He scrolled up our chat, but I snatched it back before he could read anything.

"It's just a café, it's called 'flutter night'" I muttered while rolling my eyes at him.

" 'Flutter night'? that Café is so far away Ani, can't you just tell him NO?" he gave me 'the look', Liam hated Kyle so much for some reason... maybe because he smokes a lot, but still he was really nice... 

"No, I can't, we already made our mind so shut up." I got back on my phone.

"Ani? You're both only 16, why are you even going there huh?" I heard mom say while she was almost heading out.

"Guys relax, I will be back before 9pm okay?!" I exclaimed. Mom was a very busy single mother, at least Liam helped her a lot since he got a new job... but he got fired like twice, because well... people there are mean, and Liam kinda has a temper.

He still didn't sound convinced but he decided to let it go for now. "Just... be careful okay? I don't trust that guy, he's always up to something."

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