-CH 11- Reconciliation

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Luckily the pain stopped for a brief moment, he let out a long sigh of relief, but he knew it wasn't going to stop for long until it came back even worse, it's not like it's the first time that happened anyway, he felt really stupid, what was he doing? How did he end up here in her house, was he this selfish that he wanted to hurt her again?, these heart attack like symptoms happened because he doesn't take his medicine regularly or even at all, he hated medicine and doctors, he knew it was all some bullshit and that the medicine was just a temporary solution, just something to stop the pain but his heart actually was slowly dying.

Since the day of the accident... and when he heard that she lost 5 years of her memory, he knew that was his chance to leave, to protect her from himself. But she was the only reason he was taking the medicine and taking care of his health, he was doing it for the only person in this world who gave a f*ck about him, but she forgot everything... every beautiful memory they shared it was gone. He thought this was for the best, he wanted to just... let life be life and decided he wasn't going to talk to her ever again. But that day when he saw her after two years from the accident... he felt as if his heart started beating for the first time in those two years. He then realized he just wanted her, even if he didn't have much time left, it didn't matter, all that mattered was her.... and there was no way he was letting her know about his illness.

After some time, he got out of the bathroom, he glanced at her with a forced smile.

she quickly looked up at him still a bit worried.
"Hey i called your friend but he sounded really really mad, and from what I understood i think he and your family are already looking for you.... he's on his way now."

"Looking for me?" he raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"Yeah... actually you have over 30 missed calls" she said as she handed him his phone.
"Uh... shit..." he muttered under his breath, there were +9 messages from Jason, he opened them and started reading.

Jason Anderson
'Kyle where are you?!!' 11:30 /message delivered/
'Your aunt called me a lot! why aren't you home!'
11:31 /message delivered/
'Please answer...'
11:32 /message delivered/
'Please tell me you're fine you're starting to really worry me now!'
11:43 /message delivered/
'i am sorry okay... i still care i still want to be friends with you.'
11:50 /message delivered/
'i swear I'll kick your ass if you drank again or hurt yourself.'
12:00 /message delivered/
'The messages are delivered so why aren't you fucking responding?' 12
:10/message delivered/
'I'll kill you i swear...'
12:34 /message delivered/

'God... just please fucking pick up your damn phone.' 01:00 /message delivered/



he felt really bad for what he told him before, because Jason clearly cares a lot more than he thought, he closed his phone and put it in his pocket, he looked up and nodded at Ani.

"Thanks, I w-will be fine... I just need to leave now." he walked towards the front door, but she suddenly stopped him.
"Hey um take this, since you seem to like them" she handed him a small box with 6 cookies inside it, he was very shocked by how kind and considerate she was, there were no words that could described how much he liked them.

"Thank you... I really appreciate it" he smiled at her softly, a smile that looked actually genuine this time, he was slowly feeling the pain coming back so he said goodbye and walked out of her house, the weather felt refreshing after the rain, the streets were still a bit wet which reflected the light coming from the small stores which were still opened at this time, he felt a slight shiver from the cold breeze that welcomed his face, he then started walking and walking until he was far enough from her house but stood in a place where he could see Jason when he comes.

he felt a chill from how empty the streets were, only a few passing cars was what broke the silence that almost suffocated him.

After five minutes he noticed a car that suddenly stopped somewhere near him, he got really tensed up when he saw Arson and Jason coming out of it, they didn't see him right away but when Jason finally saw him, he walked furiously towards him, and Arson followed him with the same expression.

Jason grabbed Kyle by his collar and slammed him into the wall behind him.
"Where the fuck were you! why! WHY WEREN'T YOU PICKING UP!" even though he was shouting if you looked closely, you'd see that he was actually holding back tears.
"I am sorry...." Kyle just whispered while looking away.

Jason gritted his teeth and this time his voice actually cracked.
"You f*cking a-hole.... I thought you.... I thought......" Jason's voice was shaky, and his grip got
tighter, he really thought something bad happened or even that Kyle......
"Do you even have any idea how many times we called you?! your aunt kept blaming herself, she didn't stop calling me to check if we found you!" said Jason as he roughly let go of him.

"Seriously I wanted to punch you back so bad but you already look fucked up enough... idiot" said Arson while looking away with his arms crossed over his chest, trying to sound nonchalant.

"I am very sorry...." he repeated.
Kyle felt guilty for making them all worry that much even though they kept scolding him all the way home, it made him feel warm that they actually cared, he took his medicine and was feeling so much better now.

author's note: hey pookies <333

so, I had some free time and I wrote this chap.
it's slightly short but it's fine :)

love yall and thanks to those who appreciate our work and vote.
give me your opinions on this chap I read all comments <333!

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