-CH 26- Again?

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Kyle rubbed his eyes open as the first rays of sunlight peeked through his window. Groggily, he rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom to freshen up and get ready for the day ahead.

As he splashed water on his face, Kyle couldn't help but feel a sense of unease in his stomach. It was a feeling that he couldn't quite shakes off, like a dark cloud looming over him. He tried to shake it off as he quickly got dressed and headed downstairs to have breakfast.

The smell of pancakes greeted him as he entered the kitchen, he rarely ever went down to eat breakfast at all, but he was actually hungry today.

He saw his father sitting on the table as well, all eyes were on him because he never shows up for breakfast, aunt Jeanne looked at him surprised as he took the seat across from Mike, his father just smiled the faintest smile ever, it was barely even a smile.

Kyle was feeling really nervous, he still didn't fully forgive him, but at least he was okay with sitting on the same table as him.

"Kai! I am SO SO SO happy that you're eating breakfast with us today! Uncle Mike was worried about you and wanted you to come eat with us!" exclaimed Zoe, to which Mike almost chocked on his coffee and let out a fake cough.

Kyle looked at her surprised then looked back at his father, it was the first time he ever heard that he was worried. It made him confused, so all this time he actually cared but he just... he just couldn't admit it? But why?


He awkwardly fidgeted with a fork, feeling the weight of his father's gaze upon him. It was an uncomfortable silence at the table, broken only by his aunt's cheerful chatter. The tension was palpable, and Kyle couldn't help but wonder what was going through his father's mind at that moment.

"How are you feeling now?" Suddenly Mike spoke which made Kyle flinch and almost dropped the fork.

"I-I'm okay, I guess. Just a bit tired." he mumbled, avoiding eye contact with anyone. The silence hung heavily in the air, until Arson broke the tension.

His father raised an eyebrow, not convinced by his answer. "Just a bit tired?" he repeated, his tone tinged with annoyance. "Is that all you have to say?"

Kyle shifted uncomfortably in his seat, feeling the tension rise. "What else do you expect me to say?" he retorted, his tone edged with defiance.

Mike let out a sigh, his tone hardening. "What do I expect? I expect you to be truthful with me. Don't give me that 'just a bit tired' nonsense. You've been avoiding me like the plague ever since that night."

"Please just stop... can't you ever talk to me without yelling?" said Kyle as he put the fork down and looked at him sharply. "I am a fool... I freaking thought you changed..."

Mike furrowed his brow, his annoyance growing. "And I thought you would finally open up to me, but I guess we're both fools, aren't we?"

Kyle gritted his teeth, feeling his anger rising. "Open up to you? Why would I ever want to open up to the person who made my life a living hell?"

Mike slammed his fist on the table, the sound echoing through the room. "How many times do I have to apologize? You know what, forget it. You're just a spoiled ungrateful brat who doesn't know anything."

Kyle glared at his father, his frustration boiling over. "And you're just a bitter old man who can't see the pain he's caused."

Aunt Jeanne shook her head at Mike, silently begging him not start yelling at him, he was very weak now and this was going to make it worse.

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