-CH 22- The reveal

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Kyle was left stunned from the sudden slap his dad gave him, he tried to recover from the sting it left on his cheeks, but his father's anger still continued to build up.

"How dare you!" His dad yelled, "who gave you the right to tell me that I ruined your life? I've spent all these years taking care of you, providing for you and making sure you are safe. You owe me everything, you ungrateful brat!"

"I don't owe you anything!" Kyle replied back defiantly, he felt anger and hatred building up inside of him from all of the times his father has physically and mentally abused him, but he had held it in all of those times just to avoid this exact kind of scenario.

"I've put up with this since I was able to speak and I'll be damned if I let it continue any longer!" Kyle angrily yelled, and for the first time ever, he dared to stand up against his father.

Kyle's father couldn't believe what he was witnessing right now, his son is standing up for himself, this was something he would've never expected from him, and he was furious.

"You dare raise your voice at me young man?!" His father screamed, "do you have any idea how much I've done for you and this is how you repay me?! By speaking back at me in such a manner!?"

Kyle refused to back down, and he continued standing his ground. "Well, since that's all you ever talk about, maybe you should remind yourself all of the times you've hit me or yelled at me or ignored me! It's always about how much I cost and how much trouble I cause and never how I'm feeling! Well, I'm done putting up with this crap, and if you don't want to hear it, too bad because I'm still gonna say it!"

His father was getting angrier and angrier, seeing how Kyle wouldn't back down from his words. "You little insolent brat!" His father screamed once again, "who do you think you think you are talking to me like this? Don't you realize how easy it would be for me to knock you to the floor right now and make you regret ever saying those words if I wanted to?!"

Kyle felt fear deep in his heart as he felt his father's strength and anger, but he didn't back down and simply looked back at him, even if he was scared, he wouldn't let that fear stop him.

"Do it" Kyle replied in a brave but shaky voice. "Put me in my place, why don't you? Show me just how bad of a father you really are by hitting me, that'll certainly be something to be proud of!"

His father paused, he couldn't believe what he was hearing from his own son, his son was provoking him and challenging the authority that he had over Kyle his entire life. His father took a deep breath to try and calm himself down,

"What did you say?" His father asked, though his tone was calm, Kyle had no doubt in his mind that he was anything but calm, he had just decided to refrain from yelling for the moment

"I said go ahead and hit me, just like you always do when I've done something you deemed unworthy of your precious time and money!" Kyle replied back harshly, he was beginning to feel more confident in his stance and in his words. He knew that his father was going to be furious at him for daring to stand up against him, and he was ready for anything to come from his father's side of it because he was going to remain true to his own beliefs and opinions.

The words that Kyle just said were like a knife to his father's heart, he never expected his son to bring up all of the times he had hit him before, in some way it pained him to hear it, because he truly believed that the hitting and abuse was just discipline, it never occurred to his father that what he had been doing all this time was more than just discipline, it was abuse.

"Is that what all of this is about for you Kyle?!" His father yelled, "I do all of this for you because you're sick, and yet here you are, throwing it back in my face! Do you have any idea how much of myself and my life I've given up just to ensure that you're given the best treatment and care that you can receive?!"

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