-CH 12- 'My home'

119 60 13

Anika Markold

After he left the house was back to being cold and silent, even if he only stayed for a short while it made me feel so nice, he's weird and I like how different he is, he always smiles and jokes around, something that could bring warmth to an empty place like my apartment.

I sighed then sat down on the couch, his cent was still filling the air as a reminder that he was here, usually I avoided guys especially weird ones, but I just can't seem to ignore how much interesting his personality is, I feel that there is more to him than I know, and I actually want to know more about him.

It was really weird that he suddenly decided to leave, but maybe he was just tired or got embarrassed or something.
as I was about to turn off the lights to go to sleep, I spotted his blue jacket still laying on the couch next to me.

"god, that dumbass forgot it here..." I muttered to myself as I picked it up, it was still a bit warm and wet, I decided that it was rude to just give it back to him like that so I washed it and let it dry on my balcony roof, as I stood in that balcony I could feel the soft breezes that made my hair fly a bit, it was really refreshing that's why I love the rain so much.

that guy Kyle, on the other hand, didn't seem to like it at all, I don't know how anyone could hate something as beautiful as the rain...


They finally arrived at their home, Jason had already left a while ago, Arson didn't say anything the whole time and Kyle could feel that the tension in the car was as thick as a trunk, he felt a shiver run down his spine and his stomach clenched around itself, he was gone for hours and he already knew how his father's reaction was going to be, he didn't care about the fact that he was going to beat the shit out of him, but what bothered him was that he wouldn't hesitate to do in front of everyone, he hated the looks of empathy his aunt gave him, or the times when Arson tries to help him, it made him feel really pathetic and worthless...

"Come on, we're here..." said Arson coldly as he turned off the car engine.
Kyle lowered his head into his hands. "I don't want to go in there..." he whispered thickly.
Arson immediately understood what he was referring to and felt really bad for him.

"You already knew the consequences of your actions... no one told you to disappear out of no where" he was trying to sound rude but deep down he actually cared about him or maybe it was just pity..

"you were the one who made me mad in the first place!" he exclaimed as he looked at him.

"Oh so now you're blaming your mistakes on me?! Seriously you made all of us think that something terrible happened to you!" Arson Defended himself immediately.

"What about him..." He whispered while looking out of the window at the big house.
"Who?" Arson asked, he was a bit confused.

"What about my father... was he... worried?" He knew that the answer was definitely no but he desperately just wanted to hear that he got worried even just a bit.

"Well... I won't lie to you, he was just angry and annoyed... because you wasted his time, but I don't think he was worried at all" said Arson as he leaned back in his seat.

"Yeah... what did I expect..." He muttered annoyingly, he then took a deep breath and opened the car door then stepped out, the cold air immediately hit his face, it felt kinda good but he wasn't in a good mood at all.

Arson got out and followed him.
"What are you going to do?.... he will..."

"Nothing, it's fine I am used to it... let that old bastard do whatever he wants... it's not like he ever cared..." He mumbled then opened the front door.

As soon as he stepped in, his aunt rushed towards him and hugged him tightly, he immediately tensed up, he hated being touched especially by his family members, he was just stiff and didn't return the hug.

"Where were you! You got us all very worried..." she said as she backed away and cupped his face, he just looked at her coldly and pushed her hand away.

"I am fine..." He muttered under his breath.

He looked behind her and his eyes met with his father, he looked at him coldly and completely emotionless.

His father gritted his teeth and walked towards him with heavy angry steps, he grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer, but Kyle didn't flinch.

"Do you have any idea how much time I wasted!! What are these childish acts! Do you have a hobby of disappointing me Kyle!!" His father growled and yelled, his words were felled with rage.

Kyle simply smirked at him.
"Yes, father, I am a huge disappointment... so why don't you do the only thing you ever did to communicate with your son?"

His father's eyes widened, because it was the first time that Kyle ever talked back. His aunt was worried about him, but now she got really concerned because Kyle was actually provoking his father.

"The fuck did you just say to me!?" His father shouted as he roughly pushed him into the wall, causing Kyle to let out a soft cough.

"Mike please stop... please just leave him alone..." His aunt tried to reason with him but it all fell on deaf ears, his father punched him really hard, harder than he ever did before causing a bruise to immediately form on his face.

But Kyle didn't seem to be affected or even bothered at all, he simply smiled. And then looked up at his father with a dead cold expression.

"You know what father? You should've died instead of mom that day"
He said coldly, he knew how deep those words cut, and he meant every bit of it.

The whole room went completely silent, even Arson was surprised by how bold he was to actually say something like that to his own father.

His father on the other hand got crazy mad, he punched him again, but this time Kyle actually fell to the ground, but that didn't satisfy him enough, he kicked his side really hard that he slammed him into the wall, Kyle coughed a small bit of blood but refused to let him feel satisfied by his pain.

"I work my ass day and night to put food on your plate and that's how you repay me!! Maybe I was too easy on you! I swear to God if you ever talked to me like that again I will beat the shit out of yo-"

He couldn't continue the rest of that sentence as Arson stood in front of him blocking Kyle from his sight.

"That's enough.... just leave him alone" he said sternly which actually worked because his father then cursed under his breath and left the room.

Kyle got up, he looked miserable, his left cheek had a huge bruise that he didn't even know how to hide, but it didn't matter, nothing mattered, he was going to see Anika tomorrow, only that mattered, only she mattered and it's not like he can't handle some pain, he was used to it by now anyway.

Author's note: well I had some free time again so I decided why not write a new chap

Anyways hope you like it love you pookies <333

A Broken Heart's Last WishOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora