-CH 15- At the hospital

104 53 13

Anika Marklod

After class was over, and when it was lunch period now, I took the jacket out of my bag to give it to him, I walked towards his seat as he was zoned out and looking out of the window, his friend was leaning back in his chair while sipping some banana milk, his friend's attention went on me as soon as I approached but Kyle was still in his own world.

"Kyle.." I said softly, causing him to jolt back to reality. He looked a bit uncomfortable. totally different from how he was when he was at my house.

"Uh, you forgot this last night, I washed it and brought it for you..." his friend nearly chocked and spat out what he was drinking when I said that.
"WHAT?! LAST NIGHT?! what one earth were you doing at a girl's house, last night?!" asked Jason as he jumped up from his seat.

Kyle's cheeks immediately went red. It was a new expression that I never saw Kyle make before. He looked really cute when he was all flustered like that.

"Woah woah! it's not what you THINK! SLOW DOWN." he quickly said with his hands up in defense, to which I chuckled secretly.
Oh, I freaking hope it's not" said his friend as he looked at me then him.

"He was hurt," I said softly.
"Huh?" asked his friend as he raised an eyebrow.
"It was raining heavily... and he looked a bit drunk and was kind of hurt, so I-" I couldn't finish that sentence because his friend turned to Kyle and grabbed him up by his collar.

"You freaking drank again!" he yelled, but it sounded more concerned than angry, Kyle didn't seem to care much as if this was the normal way they usually communicate.

"Eh... shut up I know I know," Kyle said as he pushed his friend out of the way and took the jacket from me, with a soft smile.
"Thanks, cupca-... uh, sorry, i mean Anika. " he stuttered a bit, to which I laughed because it was cute, but his friend didn't sound happy at all with my presence.


The school day ended, and Kyle had already explained everything to Jason. He then got in the car that came to take him home. when he entered the house it was completely empty except for a soft light that showed from under his father's room.

he wanted to avoid him as much as possible, so he walked towards the stairs which lead to his room when something suddenly something stopped him in his tracks, he heard his father with a woman, he froze and tensed up, how could that man be so heartless?! Seriously? On the day his wife died!?

He clenched his fists and angrily went upstairs and slammed the door. He was really angry and sad at the same time, but he remembered he had a doctor appointment today, normally he doesn't like to go there, but anywhere but here was fine at that moment, he grabbed his jacket and then left the house.

Upon entering the hospital, a chill ran through his entire body, he hated hospitals so much, it reminded him of how weak he actually was, he hated seeing other patients some with way worse situations than him, sitting on one of empty chairs, he let out a long sigh, then waited for his name to get called out.

After 15 minutes his name finally got called and he went inside to the place which he visited a lot when he was kid, it was the same doctor ever since then, Doctor Harrison, the atmosphere in the hospital was cold, everything was white, he felt suffocated in there.

"Oh my God, I can't believe you actually showed up, Kyle," said the doctor as he looked up at Kyle, who definitely wasn't happy about being here.

"My pills... I need you to prescribe stronger ones... I can't sleep at night, so I want sleeping pills as well, " he said as he took a seat in front of the doctor.

"Heh? Are you serious? That's the only reason you came here today?" The doctor had a confused expression on his face.

"Uh... yeah?" He replied.
"I can't just prescribe you some pills. You know you need actual examination first, right?" Said the doctor as he pulled up some papers.

"No... I don't... I don't like to be touched... just prescribe some damn pills so I can leave..." He was starting to get annoyed by this stupid doctor.

"Sorry. That's not the instructions given by your father." He said sternly.

"Ugh, come on! Just write some damn shit on paper and give it to me! It's not that hard!" He yelled as he leaned forward a bit.

"Listen to me, Kyle... I won't lie to you... you're old enough to understand what's good for you, and I am sure you're pretty aware that your condition is really bad... you need to rest, and definitely you can't drink or smoke... I've agreed not to tell your father, but you're going too far at this point." Said the doctor sternly, leaving no room for discussion at all.

"But-" he tried to talk again but was cut off by the doctor getting a phone call.

He looked at him before answering.
"I still have 12 patients besides you, Kyle, so make it quick either you let me examine you, or just leave, neither way I won't prescribe any pills without a proper prescription first."

Kyle cursed under his breath, he just needed those pills or he won't be able to sleep from how bad the pain would get so he had no choice but to agree, he reluctantly forced a "fine" to which the doctor nodded.

The doctor then stood up and told him to go sit on the examination table, Kyle tensed up like a lot, and his head was racing with thoughts.

He sat down, and his hands involuntarily tightened around the sides of the table, he was so tense that when the doctor listened to his heart beat he immediately knew he was nervous.

"Hey hey relax I am not going to hurt you, you're safe here okay?" The doctor tried to use a softer tone but it didn't work at all.

"Just... just finish this shit already..." He muttered under his breath.
After some time the doctor was finally done and Kyle let out a very long sigh of relief that it was finally over.

But the look on the doctor's face didn't look so promising.
"You don't take your medicine, do you?" He asked narrowing his eyes, it caught him off guard, he thought that he could just lie and it will be fine but turns out the doctor already knew by just one look at him.

"No..." he simply whispered while looking away.

"Do you realize what you're doing? Seriously Kyle you're still a young man, How can you do this to yourself huh?" Asked the doctor with a bit of a sharper tone.

Author's note: hey pookies <33

I feel that the story is going very slow, so in the next chaps I'll try to make stuff happen a bit faster so we can get to the point, love you pookies.

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