-CH 4- A new family

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His father wasn't someone you could talk it through with and normally when this happened everyone stayed silent or left the room but this time that blond guy grabbed Kyle's arm and dragged him away from his father.

"Uh right Kyle, didn't you say you'd help me repair my laptop" He then roughly took him upstairs to his room, the father was furious and was about to stop them but got distracted by his phone ringing.

"What the hell was that?" Said Kyle as he yanked his arm away from Arson.
"Oh did I look that pathetic to you? You think I am scared of him!? I don't give a shit about that old man!" Arson looked at him up and down then rolled his eyes.

"Shut up I just didn't want young Zoe to see you get beaten up... she hates it and I care about my sister not your dumbass."

Kyle felt pathetic and worthless, it's not like he needed that help, no one helped before so why now?...

"I didn't need your help...." He whispered as he looked away. "And it's not like you don't enjoy seeing me suffer" he said bitterly.

Arson leaned into his desk and looked at Kyle who even though was trying to appear strong looked defeated.

"Have you taken your medicine?" Said Arson but his tone was not friendly at all, it was as if it was almost sarcastic.

"None of your damn business" Arson expected that answer, he knew how much Kyle hated him and it's not like he liked him either.

"Hey guys dinner is ready" Said a very soft and sweet voice, she was the only person who treated Kyle kindly in that house, she was his aunt Jeanne.

"Kyle your father isn't very angry you can come eat with us.." she said with a sad tone.

Kyle smiled at her but the smile was really forced so he looked away. "I already ate..." He simply said, it was a lie, he didn't want to see the look of disappointment on his father's face.... not twice a day.

His aunt knew he was lying but didn't protest or disagree. She and Arson both left the room and went downstairs to the dinner table.

Kyle got out of Arson's room and went to his room and locked the door. He stood in front of the mirror and started to unbutton his shirt.

With every unbuttoned button, the bruises on his body became more and more prevalent.
He laughed bitterly at his own pathetic reflection.
"God..." he muttered, "how pathetic."

"But still I am hot though" he said while showing off his muscular physique with a forced cocky smile, he then grabbed a towel and went into the bathroom to shower his thoughts away.

************(YEAR 2008)************

A beautiful young woman entered the house, she looked as wealthy as the Miller's family but Kyle had never seen her before, he didn't even care to know her... his heart was already so sad over his mother's tragic accident.

Beside the woman there was a young blond kid who looked older than Kyle but not too old though. The kid looked no different from the other arrogant and Baraty kids who Visited, not different from Luna who he hated at all.

The woman kneeled down so she is in Kyle's height, her smile wasn't forced like all the other people who talked to him, and he almost thought she was actually smiling at him.
"Aw so this Kyle? He's so cute and small" she said while patting his head softly, he hated being touched so he pushed her hand away.

She didn't seem bothered at all, it was a normal behavior for a kid who just lost his mother.
"You can call me aunt Jeanne sweetheart... you'll be just like Arson to me" Arson rolled his eyes. "Mommy what does his miserable sad life has anything to do with us!? Couldn't we just stay at our home!?" He looked at Kyle with disgust as if it was his fault.

"Oh don't mind him Kyle, you guys will get used to each other as time passes." (They never did lol)

Kyle didn't like that guy at all, he hated arrogant blondies, suddenly his father came in with two big bags, and it was then that he realized what was happening.

His father clearly brought his sister here to help him with his kid, he felt like a burden, something that only caused trouble, he felt like he actually did deserve what his father did because he had that stupid disease.

************(YEAR 2024)************

Jason was leaning into the locker, when he saw a very beautiful girl that he had never seen before passed by while her brown hair swayed on her neck.

 She looked different and dressed different but in a cute way. He had a habit of hitting on gorgeous girls so he straightened up and just when he was about to talk to her Kyle blocked his path and glared at him. 

"It's 7am, don't you think it's a bit early to bother people?"

Jason was surprised to see Kyle but then got annoyed. "Hey! you just ruined my chances you idiot!"

Kyle rolled his eyes "Oh shut up you're so stupid, it's not like she would look at your ugly ass, besides stay away from that girl. *specifically that girl*" 

he narrowed his eyes at Jason.

"Hmm? Ooh why specifically her huh? Do you like her or Something" Jason said with a smirk but Kyle pushed him away and he almost lost his balance and fell.

"Shut up before I make you" he hissed then walked towards the class.
"And you're buying me food today it's your turn" Said Kyle with his hands in his pockets.
"Heh!? Why me!?" 

"Because we're friends that's why" he said with a shrug.

"That's taking advantage of me, plus you have enough money to buy my whole house bro!"

They kept fighting but Jason ended up getting him food reluctantly anyway, they both sat on a bench to eat. When suddenly he saw her again, Anika....

"Uh hey I've got something to do real quick save some for me!" He then got up and didn't leave any chance for Jason to argue, he walked towards her, she may not know him... but he knows her very well.

 She was sitting in a soft calm spot of the school yard, and she was scribbling something like the last time when he suddenly grabbed the pen from her.

Her head went up and she saw the same foolish smile.

"Ugh do you have a habit of stealing people's stuff you weirdo?!" He kneeled in front of her. And handed her a small strawberry milk.

"Huh? What's that?" She said tilting her head, His smile grew bigger.
"The cookie" he said softly.

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