-CH 19- Saved

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Anika Marklod

The minute I saw him, my heart almost skipped a beat, I don't know why, but I felt a strong dejavu, It felt as if I saw him like this before even though we didn't interact that much, I noticed the redness around his eyelids, was he crying? that guy who always acts foolish and smiles? I assumed that he got bullied from how battered he looked, but I don't think he would like us to see him like that.

I took small, calm steps then kneeled down next to Jason who gave me a side eye, What's wrong with him, it's not like I will eat his friend or something, I rolled my eyes then turned back to Kyle who just kept his head down and didn't say a word, but for some reason my hand moved by it self and I gently lifted his chin up so he's facing me...

To my surprise, he didn't push me or anything, but that look in his eyes... it was as if something was shattered inside them, Those beautiful blue eyes, they looked almost dead, he kinda looked like that time when we met in the rain.

"Don't touch him, he doesn't like being touched, especially by strangers,"  said Jason as he pushed my hand away from him, I seriously hate that guy!

"She's... not" Kyle suddenly whispered to which we both immediately looked at him.
"Not what?" uttered Jason as he looked at him confusion and a bit annoyance.

"She's... not a stranger..." he whispered hoarsely as he finally looked up at us, when I heard him say this I don't know why, but I felt really happy that he said that, Maybe I was just happy because Jason won't like it since he hates me for some REASON. 


Jason raised an eyebrow, he knew Kyle very well, he knew how much he hates physical contact, but why was he so calm around her?

"I don't know what the heck is between both of you, but Kyle you need to get up, you should go to the nurse's office," said Jason as he stood up and offered his hand for him to get up.

"No..." Kyle just mumbled, while looking away.
"What do you mean No! why do you have to be this stubborn all the time!" yelled Jason who accidentally lost his temper, to which Ani stood up and kicked his leg.
"Ow! you little bi-" 

"Stop yelling at him, do you really think this is the right time to yell at people... ugh idiot." she rolled her eyes then crouched down again, then gently wiped the blood from his torn lip with a napkin she had in her pocket, he didn't move at all or even told her to stop.

Jason knew she was right but just didn't want to admit it, so he muttered something and crossed his hands over his chest then leaned back into the wall while watching them, he thought to himself, 'That's weird he never lets anyone touch him, even me... but when its her it is fine?... it's not like I won't be happy for him if he found someone to love... but what if she broke his heart? he can't take anymore of this shit... I know how fragile that dumbass is, what if she just wants to take advantage of his wealth? all of them are like this...'

"Can you stand up?" she said softly as she offered him her hand this time, but to Jason's surprise, he actually nodded.

"Heh!? bro did you just replace your CHILDHOOD FRIEND with a girl you only met a few times? uh my heart is broken." he said playfully, trying to lighten Kyle's gloomy mood a bit, which surprisingly worked, a soft side smile formed on Kyle's lips, he then grabbed her hand and tried to stand up, the pain immediately came back so he squeezed her hand tightly and his breathing became a bit shallow, but he actually didn't fall this time. He was not going to fall in front of her, not her...

He let out a soft gasp when he was fully up, and almost fell again but resisted it, Jason noticed that he was struggling, so he immediately walked towards him and wrapped Kyle's arm around his shoulder for support, Kyle tensed up a bit but it's not like he could refuse anyway.

They went to the nurse's office where his wounds got treated properly, even though he kept moving away every time the nurse tried treating his wounds, after his wounds were cleaned and bandaged he just laid back on the bed, Ani and Jason still had classes so they had to leave him for a while.

The nurse was looking at some papers then stoped and turned to him.
"Actually I advice you to pass by the hospital, just to make sure everything is fine, because that bruise on your side looks a bit too dark, would you like me to call your parents?"

He scoffed while rolling his eyes. "No need, my parents are always 'busy' "

"Alright as you like, but make sure to go today, make sure to rest until then." said the nurse as she was about to leave the room for other work.

"Yeah yeah whatever...." He groaned in annoyance cause the bed  wasn't even very comfortable.
He covered his eyes with his arm to block the sunlight that came out of the big window next to his bed. It felt warm, but irritating at the same time, sighing softly, he decided to surrender to whatever will happen, it's not like it's his fault that he got bullied, or any of those stuff.

He thought of Ani's touch a moment ago, it felt nice, a small soft smile formed on his lips as he remembered her face, her gentle voice... everything, how was he supposed to stay away from her when all he needs is her? just her... not the doctors with their cold metallic stuff, or that medicine which tastes like sh*t, all he wanted was Ani, she is the only reason he didn't... end everything... because he had hope that one day... they will be reunited...

Even though he wanted her to regain her memory... that night... that cursed rainy night... she can't remember it... 

If  one day she remembered what really happened that day... will she ever forgive me?

author's note: Double updated yuppie <3

This chap was fine, a bit boring to write but yeah

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