-CH 8- Under the rain

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Kyle gritted his teeth, the day just keeps getting worse and worse, all he wanted was to go to his room and to be left alone, but everyone just decided to argue with him for no reason...

"Get out of my way I don't have any energy to hear your nonsense right now..." he said annoyingly, his eyes looked tired and broken. at that moment he just wanted to push Arson out of the way and to go drink in his room like he always did, his grades were trash, and his health was fucked up, but he just wanted to make it worse, in his mind smoking and drinking were the only solution, they made him feel better... at least he thought so.

his aunt knew Arson was going to turn this into an argument, so she decided to interfere. "Sweetheart calm down, you know you can trust us, right? we are your fami-" he didn't let her finish and all the anger that was building up the whole day came out now like a monster of rage.

"ENOUGH! we're not a family! we were never and will never be a family! stop acting kind, because I will never forgive anyone for what happened in the past! you hated my mother, you hurt her!" Kyle's anger was scary at this point and even though he was shouting, there was a hint of pain in his voice.

Arson was about to explode and make it worse, but she stopped him just mid-way, she looked at Kyle who was fuming with rage and felt empathetic for him.

"you're just like your father" Arson muttered under his breath, that sentence made Kyle 10x angrier.

"Arson that's enough" his aunt was desperately trying to stop them from fighting but failed miserably.

"Shut the fuck up!!" he punched him with all strength he had left, Arson's head flew to the side and a tiny bit of blood dripped from his lip, Arson was too shocked to even react or do anything and little Zoe hugged her knees and tears streamed down her face, she was afraid of Kyle now.

Suddenly Kyle snapped back to reality, it was the same seen... exactly the same, he got a flashback from when he was in the same position as Zoe, except there the one getting punched was his mother.

he stumbled back and stared at Arson with fear. not from him but.... but because he was right... he was like his father after all... he drank, he was rude and ungrateful, he hurt Anika deeply...he simply was a piece of shit like his father.

"I am sorry " he whispered or nearly chocked out the words then gritted his teeth and ran out of the house to God knows where.

"Kyle wait! it's raining outside!" his aunt called but he had already disappeared into the drenched streets.

He ran and ran through the rainy streets, even though he despised the rain, he hated the feeling of it and the sound of it. As he continued to run, he suddenly stopped to catch his breath, he panted heavily and his chest felt like it was being torn from the pain he felt, it was frustrating, everything was frustrating, he wanted all of that anger and sadness out it didn't matter how, he looked up then saw a small store, he walked towards it, his clothes were wet and his hair was damp from the heavy rain, he walked inside the store not knowing what he even was doing he bought a small bottle of alcohol and walked out.

Even the cashier man was confused by how desperate and Egar he looked to get that bottle, Kyle then stood outside in the pouring rain and gulped the whole bottle in one sip, but that wasn't enough to calm him down he then looked at the rough wall in front of him and punched it once.

It felt so good, so he did it again...and again...and again, until there was blood on the wall and his knuckles were scratched and bleeding, he was smiling as if he finally felt calmness and peace... it didn't hurt because of the effect of alcohol but seeing the blood dripping down his hand through his fingers and mixing with the rain satisfied him.

"Kyle?" he suddenly heard a familiar soft voice say his name, he turned around and was surprised to see she was Anika, she was holding an umbrella and looked as beautiful as ever, her eyes widened when she saw his face, he looked miserable and it didn't take her long to notice the blood dripping from his hand, small drops of blood were falling and hitting the ground, mixing with the water puddles under his feet.

"Oh my god!" she dropped her umbrella and rushed towards him.

"Your hand is bleeding!" she walked towards him, he couldn't believe it was actually her, but the alcohol had already taken over him.

suddenly everything went blurry, and he fell forward resting his head on her shoulder, he wasn't completely unconscious, but he surely was about to faint, she started to panic, what on earth was she going to do if he lost consciousness now?

"H-hey my house is near here do you think you can walk for a bit?" her voice was a bit shaky; she was the only thing supporting his body and preventing him from falling now and all she thought about was helping him.

"Yes..." he whispered in a voice barely audible, she then tried to support him while he walked until they reached her house which luckily was not so far away, she helped him to sit on the couch then placed her hand on her chest and panted heavily. "God... you're so heavy."

His eyes darted around the place, it was small but cozy, there was only one room and a small bedroom that barely fits the bed in it, some empty noodle cups on the counter and a very beautiful cent of vanilla that made his racing heart calm down a bit, he felt safe here... completely safe and warm, totally different from his huge yet cold house.

She rushed and got him a towel and a first aid kit bag, she handed him the towel which he took and wiped out the rain drops on his face and arms, she sat next to him while maintaining a respectful distance.
"Give me your hand" she said softly while already preparing some bandages.

He lifted his injured hand and placed it on her palm, he was a bit dizzy but at least now he wasn't standing in the rain and doing crazy stuff.

"Oh... it's not that deep just some scratches but I need to sanitize it first, okay?" She said as she gently took a cotton with some sanitizer on it.
He looked at his hand then at her, she was as gentle as ever, he felt warmth spread through his body just from hearing her voice.

"Do whatever you need to do..." he muttered hoarsely then looked away, she was so curious about what happened, but he didn't look like he had any strength to even talk, he rested his head back and let out a soft sigh, his damp hair only made him look more attractive, he looked so vulnerable....

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