-CH 1- Am I a bad person?

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Tw: cursing words/violence/ trauma/abuse/self-harm mention

(This book is totally smut free; I don't like these stuff :)

(if you're comfortable with that feel free to read)

************(YEAR 2005)************

It was a beautiful, sunny day at the playground. The kids were all running around, playing in the sand or fighting over toys. 

The playground was noisy, but it somehow added to the atmosphere.

Amongst the chaos was a young boy, clinging to his mother's dress. It seemed as though he was afraid of the other children.

"Oh, Janet, why is your son sticking to you like gum? Is he afraid of the outside world or what?" the woman asked.

"Oh, his father doesn't allow him to play with them, you know what happened last time," his mother replied.

"Oh, I see... Well, Luna will come to play with you tomorrow Kyle, you should only play with noble kids not these....uh never mind." the woman said with arrogance in her tone.

His mother nodded and patted the boy's head.

"Oh, his cheeks are all red from the hot weather..." she said as she laughed nervously.

"Oh, he's probably just a little shy," the woman replied.

They carried on chatting about their own businesses about how rich they were, it was like nonsense to Kyle.... 

Their life wasn't as happy as his mother described, yes they had an expensive Lamborghini and a house where you'd get lost in from how big it is, not to mention the fancy and luxurious clothes they wore, oh and that big bathroom that you won't have a problem living in it from how big and comfortable it is.

But the truth was ugly. If we could call his life hell, his father would be the Devil himself. He was a tall man in his 30th a man of so much wealth and power. 

The man who Kyle shivers at the sound of his footsteps coming anywhere near him.

Suddenly the ball the kids were playing with came to Kyle's feet , a boy called out to him,
"Hey, wanna play with us?"

Kyle's breath became even shallower as he instinctively cling on to his mother's dress, unlike Kyle he had messy brown hair, muddy boots, ice cream all over his shirt and an untied tie, but that boy looked somehow... happy.

His mother was very busy with bragging out her arrogant stuff, so she didn't notice Kyle at all, she nearly forgot about him.

Kyle looked at the boy with his cute little blue eyes and gave the ball the softest kick ever the ball barley moved. 

He looked at the ball as it came to a halt, still trembling from that small kick. Kyle's eyes then wandered to the boy who called him over, noticing his charming little smile and carefree appearance. 

His curiosity and longing for genuine affection took over, and he managed to utter in a soft tone, "Yes..."

His small hands finally let go of his mother, and he bravely walked towards the boy who called him over.

 The boy took his hand and dragged him to the muddy playground, where he was warned not to touch.

 Kyle's heart felt like it was going to explode out of his chest at any given moment, as he finally found courage at a moment's notice. 

The muddy playground was a stark contrast from the well-manicured lawn of his home, but Kyle wasn't even bothered by it as his sense of curiosity and wonder overpowered his fear.

The two of them happily laughed while they played in the mud together, not worrying about getting dirty or muddy.

 Kyle felt carefree and joyful, and for a moment, he felt like a normal child who didn't have any worries in the world. 

He laughed carelessly with the boy, without a hint of fear or restraint, and for a moment, they were just free to be themselves.

Kyle's fancy shirt got dirty from all the play in the mud, and he noticed a small stain that was starting to appear. 

His heart sank and his breath hitched, as he suddenly began to panic about the potential punishment he would receive from his father. 

He looked over at the boy who was completely unbothered and carefree despite his muddy clothes, and felt a rush of envy and regret.

"where the f*ck is your child you careless woman!" a dark deep voice suddenly shouted... a voice Kyle knew very well, a voice that made him sick to his knees, and he felt a rush of terror run through his entire body as he heard all too clear footsteps of his father. 

He turned to look in his father's direction in sheer panic and dread.

"Daddy, I'm sorr-..." Kyle couldn't even finish his sentence as his father's big hand connected with his cheek, sending him into the ground like a ton of bricks. 

He felt a sharp, sudden pain in his face as he hit the ground, and his nose felt like it was going to burst any moment. 

His father glared sharply at him, his rage filled eyes like a dark abyss that could swallow him whole at any moment.

It is expected from any kid in his place to burst into tears, but Kyle didn't, he stood up shakingly, his poor soft skin already bruised from the harshness of the slap, but Kyle looked up he knew better than to cry.

 His father would have another round waiting for him at home if he did.

"s-sorry f-fath-...father... I won't do it a-again." He was fighting the tears with all he might could... he looked at his mother but as usual she just looked away as if blocking the reality. 

But he thought to himself... "do they hate me now?.. am I a bad person?"

************(YEAR 2024)************

"HEY! Kyle did you drink my boba?!" a soft girls' voice shouted while hitting his shoulder with a book.

"Ugh shut up some people need sleep you chicken head!" he growled annoyingly.

"we're at school! not only don't you pay attention, but you stole my drink too!" she hit him harder, so he stood up his frame was twice her size, and he grabbed the book from her then slammed it on the desk.

"I said stop chicken head! And yes, I drank it what about it?" he said with a smirk.

"Stop calling me that you egg face!" she pouted then looked at his cocky smile and got even more annoyed.

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