-CH 2- class D2

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Kyle ignored her and looked out of the window next to him, it was a sunny but a bit cloudy day, the sunlight was warm against his half revealed arm.

It felt so soothing but that calmness he felt didn't last long since her annoying voice echoed again, he winced in annoyance. 

"Ugh that girl is so damn annoying..." he thought to himself.

"You know I don't give a sh*t about you so stop making so much noise... I need sleep and peace and you definitely don't belong in my peace Luna!" He said then threw himself back into the chair.

Luna is his friend.. a "noble one" as his father likes to call them, they've been friends since childhood but Kyle never really liked her company. 

She was arrogant and annoying and she always forced him to attend gatherings he disliked, she made him meet friends who were "noble" it was so darn annoying to him!

Suddenly the teacher came in, the math teacher or we could say the school's prev. That man had no right to be a teacher at all with his disgusting behaviors towards other females. 

As for the males he always picked fights with them and especially Kyle since he always talked back and never gave in to that stupid teacher.

"Kyle Mike Miller did you do the assignment I gave you yesterday?" Said the teacher with a sarcastic tone, he was so ready to mock him and humiliate him in front of the other kids.

"Uh yeah I did it sir." he said while rolling his eyes and holding the papers up with a nonchalant look on his face

The teacher scoffed then grabbed it from him angrily.

 Kyle smirked then said "oh guys look our teacher is mad because he haven't got the mocking subject today" he said sarcastically, the whole class started laughing. 

The teacher spun to look at Kyle who had his legs crossed with a smug look and decided to take revenge with the power he held as a teacher so he slammed the stick he was holding into the back of Kyle's hand which was on his desk.

"Huh? What the heck?! Do you just go and hit people when you're mad you old wreak!?"

 Everyone knew Kyle's temper was bad but they got used to it by now, it was like he was giving some entertaining thing to watch.

"Uh sir... can we just start the lesson?" Said Jason, Kyle's best friend who always saved him from getting in trouble.

"See me after class Kyle!" Said the teacher then went to the board, he took out his old ass book and started saying nonsense which he himself didn't understand.

"Fucking old bastard" Kyle muttered to himself, but Jason kicked his leg "hey stop it... that's enough you don't want him to get more ma-"

"Oh shut up! It's not like I care about that old punk." Kyle said back with a smile and leaned back in his chair.

He didn't give a sh*t about this school or that girl Luna who always flirts with him. 

He knew that it was all because her parents wanted them to be together because they thought that it would be "the perfect match" he cringed at the thought then threw his head down to his desk and closed his eyes. 

He looked at the back of his hand, the mark was still there.. it was a soft shade of pink, but it reminded him of something... something he wanted to forget so bad.

************(YEAR 2007)************

"Shut up Janet! It's not my fault you gave birth to something as worthless as this child! Is this sick piece of sh*t who's gonna take over my company!? He can't even form a full word without stuttering!" The five-year-old Kyle was hearing it all.... he hated himself back then because he was a disappointment.

"Mike that's enough! Not when he can clearly hear you!" Defended his mother, but his father left no room for argument he grabbed a bottle of wine and threw it towards Kyle but his mother immediately went and protected him from the blow.. everything after that memory was blurry and Kyle couldn't remember what happened after that...

************(YEAR 2024)************

The class was now over, Kyle groaned in annoyance as he had to go see that old man who called himself a teacher.

 He dragged his leg and as he made his way to the door, but his heart suddenly skipped a beat and everything went blurry, he knew this feeling very well.

"Kyle?" Jason said worriedly, he knew why Kyle was like this... he was the only person who knew about his disease, besides Luna and his aunt.

"Where is your bag huh?! I'll get you the med-" before Jason could say it Kyle stopped him and he held into him tightly and then started coughing rapidly.

 Luna was watching and Jason knew that Kyle didn't want anyone to see him like that, so he grabbed Kyle's bag and took him to the boy's bathroom which luckily was empty.

As soon as they were alone Kyle started coughing more rapidly and there was blood on his palm.

"Uhh dammit that's bad! Didn't you take the medicine this morning!?" Said Jason with a worried look as he took out the small container of pills.

"Here come on before it gets worse!" Kyle's hearing was so blocked by the pain in his chest he leaned into the sink, the coughing just got worse and more blood came out with every cough his body was shaking and his hands were so cold and his face was pale.

At this point Jason knew that Kyle for sure didn't take his medicine... He used to do it a lot because he saw no point in taking it anymore.

"Come on please...." Jason tried to use a softer tone as he handed him the pills, Kyle snatched it from him, he desperately just wanted the pain to end so he shoved the whole container into his mouth and almost 4 pills fell into his mouth, he took the bottle of water and gulped it down while some of the water mixed with blood dripped from the corner of his mouth and into his neck.

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