{Sunflowers - HC 🥀}

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Scar was like a bouquet of sunflowers. He was always happy, always smiling, people sometimes thought that he was the human version of a sunflower.

He helped everyone who needed it, yet no one would save him. Ironic, isn't it?

Still, his shining personality shown through, making people believe that he was only a ray of happiness.

Except for when he won Secret Life. That was when people saw his emotional walls break down.

They all heard his guilt, his remorse, his crying.

They all felt bad for him, seeing that the happiness act was actually hiding all of his other emotions for years. Still, it worked pretty well.

When Grian and Xisuma managed to get Scar out of the void, that was their first time seeing Scar completely broken.

Xisuma told Grian that he should talk about it with Scar when he was healed up, but Grian didn't want Scar's emotional walls to collapse again.

So he waited.

And waited.

Until came a day where he couldn't wait anymore. So, he went to go talk to Scar.


"Scar? You in here?" Grian asked, peeking into Scar's room. Scar was laying flat on his bed, staring at the celling. Grian's voice snapped him out of his thoughts, and he sat up, a smile forming on his tired face.

"Yeah, I'm here. What do you need Grian?" Scar asked, the smile starting to light up his face. Grian took a deep breath, before walking over to Scar's bed and sitting next to him.

"I need to ask you a personal question, is that okay?" Scar nodded, and Grian gently took one of Scar's hands.

"What happened after you won Secret Life? We all saw that. All those tears and crying, why haven't we seen that side of you before?" Grian asked. Scar went quiet, dropping his usual smile. Grian thought that he upset Scar a lot, and he was about to apologize, before Scar spoke up.

"It's just- I just use a smile to hide away all of my feelings. I know, I shouldn't do that, but I've been doing that for years. I hide away all my emotions, push them down with a smile on my face. But, when I won Secret Life, I guess all that just broke down my emotional walls, and I couldn't handle it anymore." Scar had a small, guilty smile on his face, trying to avoid Grian's eyes. Grian stared at Scar in shock. He had never known about this, despite knowing Scar for years. Suddenly, Grian pulled Scar into a hug. Scar jumped slightly, but he quickly relaxed. The two sat in their hug in silence for a moment, before Grian started to speak.

"It's okay Scar. I know everyone has their moments of fully breaking down. But you know one thing to never do? You should never not tell people how you're truly feeling, as that will weigh you down more. Promise me Scar, that you will never do that again? We all love you, but we didn't know if you were actually okay or not. We were worried, Scar." Grian told him. Scar stayed silent for a moment, before slumping against Grian's chest. There was no noise for a moment, until Grian heard faint crying coming from Scar. Scar's face was buried in Grian's chest, and he was holding onto Grian like his life depended on it. Grian sighed, rubbing soft circles on Scar's back, whispering comforting words into Scar's ear. Eventually, Scar started to calm down, yet he was still shaking slightly. Grian smiled lightly, planting a small kiss on the top of Scar's head. When Scar stopped moving, Grian pulled his head up from his chest and found that Scar was asleep. His emotional walls falling down again must have tired him out, and he fell asleep, exhausted. Grian laughed lightly, moving around so that Scar was asleep against Grian's chest, and Grian's head leaned against the headboard behind him. Grian's arms were wrapped tightly around Scar, and he kissing him on the forehead.

"Sleep well Scar. I love you.." Grian whispered, smiling at the sleeping boy in his arms

Some time later, Xisuma walked into the room. He was about to say something to Grian until he saw that Scar was asleep, and he left the room.

For now, that left Grian and Scar alone, and Grian knew from know on that Scar wouldn't hold in all his emotions.

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