{His Red Life - 3L 🥀}

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- Slightly graphic description of death

Grian and Scar ran along the desert, talking. It was a beautiful day, with no clouds high in the sky, and the sun shining down on them.

It was a perfect day, until he fell.

Grian laughed as he saw Scar run ahead, talking about 'science and discovery'. Scar kept on talking, and he didn't notice the giant ravine.

Only Grian noticed. He tried to warn Scar, but it was too late.

Scar slipped on the ground, and fell into the ravine.

"SCAR!" Grian screamed.

He heard Scar scream too, before all he heard was the sickening crunch of Scar's bones as he landed in the ravine, his bones shattered, a large pool of blood already beneath him.

<GoodtimewithScar fell from a high place>

Grian dropped to his knees close to the cliff edge, watching as Scar's body slowly disappeared so he could respawn. His communicator buzzed multiple times, knowing that it was the server reacting to Scar's death. Grian didn't care for the messages, as he only had one thing on his mind.

Scar was a red name.

The first red name on the server.

Grian pulled his knees to his chest, his eyes still not leaving where Scar's body lay minutes earlier. Even if all evidence of his death were gone already, Grian still saw something. It was kind of like a reminder of Scar's death, even if all the blood and his body was gone. Heck, even Scar's items were gone already, but Grian still sensed that Scar was still there.

Even if he wasn't.

Suddenly, Grian heard footsteps behind him. Standing up and turning around, one hand ready to un-sheath his sword, Grian saw who it was, and his hand fell to the ground in shock.

Scar was standing right behind him, a guilty look on his face, and in his arms were lilacs and poppies that he gathered.

"Scar.." Grian gasped, covering his mouth. Scar laughed slightly, looking down.

"Yeah, it's me.." Scar trailed off. Stepping forward, he picked out a poppy and carefully placed hit behind Grian's ear, to which the avian chirped in surprise. Placing the rest of the flowers on the ground, Scar wrapped Grian in a hug, his head rested on his shoulder. Grian instantly hugged back, burying his face in Scar's chest.

"You're an idiot.." Grian mumbled, and Scar laughed, resting his eyes.

"I know. I'm sorry." Scar apologized, to which this time, Grian laughed at.

"There's nothing to apologize about, Scar. While yes, I was worried quite a bit, at least you're okay now." Grian smiled and reached up to kiss Scar on the cheek, and Scar kissed him on the forehead. Grian looked up at Scar, and noticed dried blood on his neck.

"We should get going now." Grian started, taking Scar's hand. Scar quickly gathered up the lilacs and poppies, and followed Grian back home.

"Why? It's not even night yet." Scar was confused, he didn't know why Grian wanted to go home. Grian turned around to face him, a slightly shocked expression on his face.

"Do you not know that you're bleeding?" Grian asked. Scar put a hand to his neck, and sure enough, when he pulled away, there was blood.

"Ohhh, right." Scar muttered. Grian mumbled something about Scar being an idiot again, walking back to their base.


After a while, the two were back at home, with Scar all cleaned up and bandaged, and Grian now putting away the medical supplies. When Grian entered the living room again, he saw Scar sitting on the couch, sowing lilacs and poppies on his cape, a lilac behind his own ear now. Grian smiled, sitting down on the couch next to Scar, and wrapped him in a hug. Carefully, not to hurt himself or Grian, Scar put the sowing materials and his cape away, and hugged Grian back. They two stayed silent like that for a few moments, before Grian spoke up.

"Never do that again Scar, that really scared me. I love you."

Scar smiled to himself, pulling Grian closer and planting a light kiss to the top of his head.

"I'm sorry Grian. I won't do that again. I love you too."

The two boyfriends stayed on the couch for the rest of the night, eventually falling asleep with Scar's face in the crook of Grian's neck and Grian hiding his face in Scar's chest, and Scar's sowing laid on the table across of them, forgotten.

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