{Goodbye. - LL ⚠️}

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Ethubs fluff and angst!


- Blood

- Death

- Description of Death

"Hey Bdubs? Where are you?" Etho called out. The tall Canadian had been searching for Bdubs for a few minutes now, circling where he lived.

"I'm over here! Do you need something, Etho?" Bdubs's voice rang out, almost as clear as a bell. Etho looked behind him, and there he was. Bdubs climbed down, taking off the hood of his moss cape, and walking towards the white-haired male. Etho smiled beneath his mask, and Bdubs saw that smile in his eyes.

"Well, do you need something Etho? Or are you just here for no reason at all?" Bdubs asked, crossing his arms but a smile still plastered onto his face.

"Oh, uh, well, I just wanted to give you something!" Etho replied, pulling out a small box and giving it to Bdubs.

"Etho? What is this?" the tanned male asked, confused.

"Just open it" Etho laughed. Smiling, Bdubs opened the box. Inside, was a small golden ring, with a heart on it.

"Etho, wha-" Bdubs started to ask questions before Etho cut him off.

"Well, I just wanted to get you and me promise rings! It's not like we are married, it's just a symbol of our alliance! See? I have the same one!" Etho explained, showing Bdubs his ring. Bdubs stared at him for a moment before breaking out into a smile. He slipped his ring onto his finger, giving Etho a small kiss on the cheek. Etho blushed and laughed, picking up Bdubs and spinning him around. The pair spun around in circles until they both finally collapsed on the soft grass beneath them. They both couldn't stop laughing, their hands together, as they both tried to catch their breath. Rolling over on his side, Etho stared at the tanned male next to him, before wrapping him into his arms. Bdubs jumped slightly, but soon melted into his arms.

"I love you, Bdubs." Etho whispered into his ear. Bdubs was surprised, a light blush spreading onto his cheeks. After a moment's hesitation, Bdubs rolled over and whispered back.

"I love you too." Etho smiled sweetly, his hand reaching up to pull his mask down. Bdubs was confused for a moment before Etho's lips were on his. Bdubs quickly reacted, kissing him back.

After a few seconds, they pulled apart. Bdubs smiled, burying his head into Etho's chest, and Etho kissed him on the forehead. They stayed like that for a few minutes, until they finally decided that they would have to get up now. Bdubs stood up first, ruffling his hair, a few blades of grass falling down. Etho stood up after him. While standing, Bdubs was almost a head shorter than Etho, but didn't really mind. They started to head back inside, hand in hand, smiling into the distance.


<BdoubleO100 fell from a high place>

Etho almost fell to his knees in shock. Bdubs had lost yet another life, and was now a red name. He knew for sure that Bdubs would respawn in their now shared base, so he ran off to there, trying to get to him.

Upon entering, he saw Bdubs already patching up his injuries. Etho watched him by the doorway for a minute, before Bdubs's voice brought him back to his senses.

"You know, you don't have to wait for me to see you. I knew you were there the entire time." Etho looked up. Bdubs had finished patching up his injuries, and was now stand right in front of Etho. Etho looked into Bdubs's red eyes, and the decision was made.

"Look, Bdubs... I uh, Well... I think it would be best to split our base in two because you're now a red name." Etho told him. Bdubs felt betrayed.

"Why? I won't hurt you, even if I'm a red name, I promise!" Bdubs replied. Etho just shook his head, and left.

By the next morning, a wall had been set up, dividing Etho's and Bdubs's shared base into two. While Etho knew that we was doing the right thing, deep down, he felt bad that he had to do that. Bdubs could possibly leave him, he didn't know.

Etho was scared about what will happen now, now that he had possibly ruined his and Bdubs alliance and/or relationship..


Timeskip brought to you by the silly Etho and Bdubs

<LDShadowLady fell from a high place while trying to escape BdoubleO100>

Etho stared at his communicator, and rubbed his eyes. He couldn't believe it. Bdubs had killed Lizzie, and now, as Etho had promised him a life, he was going to be yellow again. He decided to find where Bdubs was in order for him to get that life. He was about to get out of the cave and go find Bdubs before his communicator buzzed again.

<BdoubleO100 was shot by Grian>

This time, Etho almost fell over due to shock. Bdubs had won the life, yet he had died only seconds later. Panicking, Etho somehow managed to get Bdubs's exact location and ran out of the cave, rushing to find him.

Once Etho had gotten there, he found Bdubs on the ground, multiple arrows sticking out from his back. It looked like once Bdubs had killed Lizzie, the other red names had teamed up, killing him in revenge for Lizzie. Etho slowly sat down, pulling Bdubs's body into a hug. He didn't care that his blood was starting to stain his armor, or that night was coming, or even that tears were threatening to form. Etho just wanted to hug Bdubs one last time. Before he even knew it, Bdubs's body was starting to crumble away, like how all dead bodies would. Finally, Etho stood up, taking a small piece of his moss cape from him. He stared at Bdubs's body until he forced himself to leave. With tears starting to run down his face, Etho quietly kissed Bdubs on the forhead, and started to walk away.

"Goodbye, 'Dubs. I love you."

By the time he said those last words, Bdubs was already gone.

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