{His Red Flower - 3L 🥀}

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The explosion set off, killing Jimmy, Ren, and Skizz.

Grian laughed, watching his own explosion erupt right in front of his own eyes.

"YES! SCAR, WE DID IT!" Grian yelled, throwing his hands up and rushing forward to hug Scar. Scar was in shock for a moment before he started to laugh alongside his ally, jumping up and down. Their trap had worked, killed people, and they were able to get BigB's cookie.

"JIMMY!" Scott yelled, looking at the place where his husband was mere seconds ago. Now, it was reduced to ruins, with the dead's stuff gone, destroyed from the explosion. Scott could hear the slight ringing in his ears from the explosion, Martyn yelling Ren's name, and Scar and Grian laughing in joy. Turning around, Scott stared at the two, shock written all over his face.

"You're a monster." He uttered, Grian pretending to be wounded by the statement, to which Scar laughed at and Scott just shook his head. Sighing, he turned away, heading back towards his base. He had to find Jimmy to make sure he was alright.

"Wait Scott, where are you going?" Grian asked, still trying to calm himself down.

"I'm going to see if Jimmy's alright." Scott replied. Grian opened his mouth to ask something but Scott cut him off before he could say something.

"If you're wondering, maybe you shouldn't go. You know how Jimmy reacts when someone kills him, plus, he's a red name now." Grian nodded, saying a quick apology. Scott left, watching as Grian immediately latched back onto Scar as Scar spun him around. Scott sighed, hoping that Jimmy didn't try to kill him when he got back.


When Scott arrived at his and Jimmy's base, he was wary. Keeping one hand on his sword in case he needed to fight, Scott walked along the lake, calling out Jimmy's name.

"Jimmy! Where are you?" Scott called out. He checked his house first, but Jimmy wasn't there. He then checked Jimmy's base next. Again, we wasn't there. However, Scott remembered about the secret room of allies and enemies in Jimmy's base, and went down to check there.

Entering the room, he saw Jimmy curled up in a ball, trying to get as small as possible, his golden wings wrapped around his body. Scott stood there for a moment, before speaking.

"Oh, Petal.." Scott murmured, slowly walking over and sitting down beside his husband. Jimmy looked up, a small squeak of surprise making its way into the air.

"S-Scott?" Jimmy asked, wrapping his arms tightly around himself.

"Yes, it's me." Scott replied. Pulling Jimmy into a hug, he felt the canary sob as he wrapped his arms around the cyan-haired male.

"W-Why are y-you here? I-I'm a red name!" Jimmy cried, burying his face deeper into Scott's shirt.

"Why would I not be here? You're my husband, Petal. I had to make sure that you're okay." Scott said gently. Jimmy looked up at him, tears staining his face.

"I'm a red name though! I'm supposed to hurt the people around me!" Jimmy cried, hiding his face again. Scott sighed, holding Jimmy's face in his hands, making him look up at him.

"I don't care if you're a red name or not. Red name or non red name, you're still my husband, Jimmy. I love you." Scott assured Jimmy, whose face went red.

"Are you sure?" Jimmy asked. Scott smiled and nodded, wrapping his arms around Jimmy again. Extending his wings, Jimmy's wings wrapped themselves around the two.

"I love you too, Scott. Thank you."

"No problem Petal."

The two stayed like that for the rest of the day, before leaving to go to sleep.

At least Jimmy now knew that Scott would never leave him, no matter if he was a red name.

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