{Betrayal - LL 💔}

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Lizzie was supper happy. It was her first season of being in the Life Series, and so far, she made her home - known as the "Fairy Fort" - and had made 2 alliances so far - BigB and Cleo. She was just decorating her fort when her communicator buzzed. Confused, she took a quick look.

<ZombieCleo was slain by BigB>

Lizzie was shocked, one of her allies had killed her other ally? Soon after the message had sounded, she heard footsteps behind her. Turning around, one hand on her iron axe, she saw who it was.

BigB was running towards her, tears in his eyes. Lizzie caught her fellow ally in a hug was she started to ramble about how sorry he was for betraying and murdering Cleo. Lizzie felt bad, he had been forced to kill her because of the Boggeyman curse.

Soon after calming BigB down, Ren arrived into the fort, wanting them to come for a meeting for the Shadow Alliance. He had brought them down to explain about a new possible member - Martyn. He was a green name, and had a chance to join the alliance. They had all agreed to let him join, and the meeting was concluded. BigB and Lizzie went up to the tower to check on the Fairy Fort. They saw a horrible sight.

Cleo's palace had lava spewing down from it. Taking a closer look, Lizzie and BigB were terrified when they saw Cleo at the entrance, lighting a small fire onto the trees.

"Go! Get down!" Lizzie shouted. They had seen a bee that might have been a spy and had to kill it. BigB quickly climbed down the ladder, Lizzie following him, and they both took off in the direction of the Fairy Fort.

Once they had arrived, the Fairy Fort was already on fire. The trees were badly on fire, casting light into the night sky. Lava was in pools in the ground. Lizzie's house was on fire, her things destroyed.

"Cleo! What are you doing!?" Lizzie and BigB shouted. Cleo laughed, a wicked grin on her face.

"BigB betrayed me. Plus, you knew that this was going to happen Lizzie." Cleo bluntly replied.

"Y-You don't understand! The Boogeyman curse, it affects you and-" Lizzie cut off as Cleo let out a wicked laugh.

"Oh Lizzie, you don't understand. I'm now a Boogeyman full time!" Cleo smiled wickedly, as the bright flames danced around her.

"I knew I could never trust you." Lizzie told Cleo with hatred laced in her voice.

"Aw.. You could've trusted me, you know. If only BigB didn't kill me, then we'd still be allies!" Cleo gave them both a look before she turned around.

"Gotta go, I don't want to lose another life." Cleo turned around and ran away from the flames. Lizzie and BigB looked at each other, before looking at the flames that continued to dance their way closer to the two green names.

"We should go.." BigB started. Lizzie seemed to snap out of her trance and remembered what situation they were in.

"Yeah.." Lizzie slowly replied. Running over to her dogs, she stood them up and they started to follow her out of the Fairy Fort. Lizzie had also tried to find a few items, but her house was already burned to the point where nothing could be saved. Sighing, BigB took one last look at the Fairy Fort as he left, and Lizzie followed behind him, her dogs following her. She took one last look at her former home.

"Goodbye, Fairy Fort.."

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