Chapter 39

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~ ~ Chris ~ ~

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~ ~ Chris ~ ~

Two weeks later.

They tell you your life flashes before your eyes when you're about to die. Every regret in full colour. I couldn't say that happened when Scar held the gun to my forehead, but my life had been full of mistakes... and nearly all those mistakes revolved around Beth.

But I'd been given a second chance—at life. And I wasn't wasting it.

"Almost there, buddy," A quick glance at Nix in his car seat had me smiling. He was kicking his little legs wildly to a Kid's Music CD courtesy of Riley who had insisted he start listening to it when we were out driving, and to quote, "Chris, exposing babies to music from an early age can turn them into pint-sized Mozart wannabes. It's like giving their little brains a rock concert and their tiny hearts a dance party."

She wasn't wrong and I was fast becoming appreciative of her wisdom.

My phone rang. "Sorry, Nix." I lowered the music and swiped the hands-free. "Hey Adam," I'd not returned to work as planned as being kidnapped put a kink in my plans. Although I was more or less healed, the only pain now was in my ribs and my Achilles tendon was giving me trouble. But work was pressuring me to go back, and of course, it was Dr Helen Wiseman leading the charge. She had recently secured the position of Chief of Surgery, and it seemed I was in her crosshairs. A woman scorned and all that shit, although technically we never dated, but I was the asshole who screwed her roommate in college... on her bed, so maybe this was payback.

"Everything's fine, for now," said Adam.

Nice. I wasn't sure how he swung that. She liked Adam even less than me. "Guess she still holds a torch for you then, huh?"

Huffing a breath. "Trust me, she doesn't. You can thank, Riley's grandmother, Nana Em for speaking up for you." I heard the smile in his voice, she'd put a good word in for him in the past. "She said you can thank her by taking Nix to see her."

Ah. and I smiled. She was a hell-of-a woman, in fact, all the Lockwood women were, well apart from Mercy Jane, greatness skipped a generation there or she had a mutated gene.

"Thank you, and tell Riley thanks."

"Will do."

"I'll catch up with you tomorrow, I gotta go, I'm pulling up outside Cals."

I hadn't even unclipped my belt when April popped up at my passenger door as if summoned by Nix's baby charm. She swung the door open and freed him. "C'mon little man. Come to Aunty April, I've missed you," she cooed, scooping him up. He started giggling as soon as she began kissing and tickling him. He had every female he met wrapped around his stubby finger. I guess he was a mini-me in the making—charming, adorable, and irresistible, or at least I hoped Beth still thought so.

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