Chapter 31

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~ ~ Chis ~ ~

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~ ~ Chis ~ ~

Today wasn't off to a good start.

Lack of sleep and crazily assuming hiding out at Adam's I'd be able to unpack my life and then put it back together.

Riley Jo had other ideas, insisting on talking or rather talking at me, kindly informing me I was emotionally constipated and I should consider a mental laxative or a therapeutic enema to get things moving... or, I should just man up and quit running from my problems.

It was easy for her to say.

But her words echoed in my head like a broken record, her southern drawl adding an extra layer of sting to her pointed observations. And yeah, those words had hit home. Because she was right. I didn't open up easily. I held onto shit far longer than needed. 

I side-glanced my son who was strapped into his car seat next to me. "We're almost home." We were heading back because the legal documents had been couriered to Adam's home this morning. One signature and that woman was out of my son's life for good.

"How's about we take a swim once it's done huh? That sound good?" I was babbling, he didn't have a clue what I was going on about, that, and he'd been cranky since he got up this morning.

Riley let me know her thoughts on that too. He was missing Beth, she'd said, and he wasn't the only one.  Every other thought was about her. Riley then went on to tell me his routine had been thrown out of whack, something else that was my fault which was the reason he was giving stink eye right now.

That, or it might be the unmistakable fragrance of baby's business filling the car like a noxious cloud. With a grimace, I opened the window, hoping to clear the air before I passed out from the stench.

"Phew, buddy," I muttered. "That's one for the record books." I made a mental note to stock up on air fresheners for future car rides.

Nix gave me a little warning howl of disapproval, the precursor to the full-fledged meltdown I knew was on the horizon.  Just what I needed.  Thankfully we were almost home, but seeing my house up ahead, my smile and stomach dropped.

Beth's truck.

Was she alone? The question added another layer to the growing mound of guilt. I had left her to deal with our relationship being exposed on her own. Had Beck told Cal and April? 

Nah. If he had, Cal would have been hounding me like a telemarketer trying to sell extended warranties.

Kim. Oh, shit. Beth would have come back to find two women in my home.

Asshole. I should have warned her but hindsight was like a relentless GPS recalculating your route after you've already missed the turn.

Parking the car, I grabbed the all-important envelope and then unbuckled Nix, lifting him free and headed inside the house.

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