Chapter 5

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~ ~ Beth ~ ~

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~ ~ Beth ~ ~

 "M-Mr Thompson." I stuttered out. "I thought you weren't coming home tonight?"

I gripped my towel a little tighter as his attention moved to me along with a skin-crawling awareness before he replied, "Cynthia has a migraine."

He ran a finger around the rim of his glass, eliciting a haunting ring that rose the hairs on the back of my neck.

"Oh." I nodded, with alarm bells ringing on high.

Not wanting to look at him, my mind was already mapping out an exit plan, but I asked. "Is there anything I can get for her?"

His head moved slowly from side-to-side. "She's taken her medication and retired to bed."

Too late, I realised I was looking him in the eyes to see a deep burning edge to his stare.

"She'll sleep like the dead, no doubt," he said.

Goosebumps started popping all over as he just stood there—watching me. My chest heaved in the silence that followed. I felt myself turning to stone as cracks weaved through my resolve, splintering the facade of calmness and flooding me with emotions I didn't want.

Show no fear.

Easier said than done. I'd not felt like this since... I didn't finish that train of thought. Going there would not end well for me. I swallowed thickly. "Well I'm about to turn in, Mr Thompson. So if you don't mind..." I raised my eyebrows in the hope he would take the hint and leave.

He didn't.

Instead, he walked around my room, looking at my things, and came to a stop in front of my bed. It wasn't right that he was in here and I cursed at myself for not locking my door, but I didn't think they'd be back.

"Mr Thompson." I hated the wobble in my voice but kept talkin'. "I need you to leave, please. Right Now." Stabbing my finger at the bed where my shorts and vest that I wore to sleep sat waiting, reminding him. "I'm tired and want to go to bed."

He merely cocked a shoulder. "Don't let me stop you, Beth." He said my name like I was young and stupid before his eyes dropped onto the bed. "This is what you wear to bed, huh?" He picked up my shorts and held them out to me.

I stretched out my hand and took them from him.

"And this?" He picked up the vest, letting it dangle from his finger, and held that out too.

I practically snatched it from his hand this time.

His gaze narrowed. "Well?"

Heat splashed across my cheeks. "Well, what?"

"I thought you said you wanted to get ready for bed?" He flicked a hand at me. "Put them on."

What? He was gonna stand there and watch me? Hell no.

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