Chapter 17

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~ ~ Beth ~ ~

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~ ~ Beth ~ ~

I was laughing at a funny story Aaron was telling when he parked his truck car out front of Chris's house.

"Home, safe and sound." He peered through the windscreen. "I half expected to find Chris on the doorstep with a shotgun." Aaron chuckled and I shook my head.

The darkness surrounding the house said Chris was tucked up in bed already. That, and all the lights apart from a small lamp in the entrance way was still switched on. "Thanks for tonight, Aaron." I unclipped my belt. "I had a really good time."

"Me too, and anytime you need a dance partner, you've got my number."

I laughed again, but there was something I needed to say before I headed in. "I appreciate the offer." I chewed on my lip. "...And I hate to ask this."

"Shoot—we're friends, right? No need to be shy."

"If you could keep this to yourself. What I told you tonight?" I didn't want Chris to find out I'd been talking about him because I reckon that would just piss him off.

Aaron smiled and nodded. "He won't hear a thing from me." He flicked his chin up and unclipped his belt. "C'mon, I'll walk you to your door."

"Thanks, Aaron, but you don't have to see me to the door, you've parked right outside of the house and you live opposite!" I opened the door and climbed out. "I'll see you around then?"

"You can count on it." He really was one of the good guys. "Night, Beth."

"Goodnight." Smiling one last time, I made my way inside the house.

Quietly shutting the front door. I dropped my purse and keys on the side and slipped off my heels and wiggled my toes on the cool wooden floor. A sigh was set free with my feet grateful at being on a flat surface again. I honestly didn't know how women walked around in high heels all day.

About to head upstairs, I decided it might be a good idea to take some water up with me since I'd drank a little more than usual. Aaron had convinced me to try some fancy cocktail and I would be the first to admit it was good—so good, I had three more.

Padding barefoot through the house, I came to an abrupt stop when a light flipped on in the main room. With my heart rate kicking up a beat, on tentative tiptoes, I moved closer and peeped around the corner.

Oh. I was wrong, Chris wasn't tucked up in bed.

And it reminded me of that night when I'd found him out back at Cal and April's house on the night of my birthday.

He said nothing.

Just sat there glaring at me with his elbows resting on his knees and in his hand was a glass tumbler filled with what I would guess might be whiskey. There was also something about him, something a little off, a weird kind of energy. Not to mention the stiff set of his shoulders and his eyes looked almost black from where I was standing.

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