Chapter 22

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~ ~ Chris ~ ~

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~ ~ Chris ~ ~

My head flicked over my shoulder and I gave Beth an apologetic smile but her eyebrows creased hard as she glared at me.

C'mon, this wasn't my fault... well, not entirely.

Beth couldn't read my mind, so, all the same, I took another step back from Heather and turned to face Beth. "Had a good day?" Her eyes flicked between me and Heather and I could see she was hurt... and maybe a lot pissed off.


The pads of my fingers itched to touch her, to run over her neck reassuringly. Possessively.

Yeah, great idea, Chris. I wasn't supposed to be thinking about touching her. I was meant to be putting a stop to this thing between us.

"I didn't realise you would be busy," she bit out. "Don't let me stop your fun. I'll get out of your hair."

"Beth..." I made it three steps, but she was already gone.

"What was all that 'bout?" asked Heather.

Sighing loudly, I turned to Heather. I just wanted her gone.

"Oops, let me..." She flashed a grin, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she ran her thumb over my lips. "You know, those glossy lips bring out your inner diva."

That's why Beth looked pissed, I was standing here with Heather's lipstick all over me.

"Give me a second."

"Sure, Sugar.  I don't need to be anywhere."

I headed out of the room as Beth stomped past me having grabbed a bottle of water from the kitchen. "Don't mind me," she hissed. "I'll be in my room."

I grabbed the inside of her elbow, forcing her to stop and lowered my voice. "Nothing is going on here."

She rounded on me. "Why is she here?" I was about to answer when she cut me off. "Have you invited her here to hurt me?" Her nose wrinkled. "Or is this..." She shifted the bottle of water to rest between her thighs and then in air quotes said, "Plan B?"

Oh, shit. Aaron.

"Yeah, Aaron already called me telling me you asked him to dinner and me and him should become friendlier?"

My chest rose and fell. "Look, I just thought..." Fuck. "I don't know what I was thinking, but last night." I flicked a head over my shoulder and saw Heather was peaking at us, obviously curious.


I tugged Beth further away and lowered my voice even more. "She just turned up a few minutes before you. I've not invited her here."

Beth's eyes narrowed. "Oh yeah. Sure. What's the story behind you rocking her lipstick? You think I'm stupid, Chris?" Her voice wobbled as she took a breath. "I thought something special happened last night."

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