Chapter 14

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~ ~ Chris ~ ~

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~ ~ Chris ~ ~

A few minutes prior...

Eyes closed, and pressing my forehead against the door, my hands braced the frame, almost gripping it with an inhuman strength.

I was going to hell. I was already in hell.

On the other side of the door, I could hear music, but it wasn't loud enough to drown out those breathy sounds that were coming from inside Beth's bedroom.

And not being able to see didn't stop my imagination from supplying a vivid image of what she was doing in there.

God, what if I just opened the door and stepped inside? Watched her as she lay naked on her bed with her hand buried between those young, firm thighs.

Would she carry on fingering herself? Or maybe invite me into her bed. Replace her hand with mine...or my mouth.

One hand moved instinctively to the handle and turned it a fraction.

What the hell are you doing, asshole?

I let go of the damn thing like it burned me. Going in there would cause a world of hurt and confusion, not to mention mixed messages.

No. I would never hurt her. Not intentionally.

I just had to get my shit together. And maybe this was simply a result of not getting laid for so long. Nothing more.

Still, though, I didn't move. Instead, I squeezed my eyelids tighter, hoping to block out the immoral thoughts. "Jesus," I breathed out heavily, licking my dry lips.

It didn't work.

God, those sounds were so sweet, and I didn't want to move. I wanted to do nothing but feel her and taste her and smell her, make her moan and sweat and come.

"Chris..." My head lifted from the door, eyes popping open. Fuck. She'd said my name!?

She wants you...The corrupted voice in my head whispered.

And then the music stopped.

Shit, shit, shit. Move, asshole.

I backed away from the door, and the floor creaked under my weight, making me wince.

Another step. Another creak.

I kept going without stopping, only looking back when I reached the top of the stairs. Rubbing the sweat off my neck, I peered down and saw my dick tenting in my slacks.

Yeah, you're not helping. I groaned.

This was getting out of hand. I really needed to get laid. That's all there was to it.

Beth was off limits. So it would have to be the next best thing. Heather.

The frustrated cry from Nix reached my ears. Shit. I jogged downstairs. My parenting skills were pitiful. I'd left him still strapped into his stroller whilst I'd gone upstairs to change.

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