Chapter 19

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~ ~ Chris ~ ~

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~ ~ Chris ~ ~

All I could see for miles were fields and horses as I drove up the gravel track with dust billowing up behind me.

Pulling up to the house, I brought the car to a stop but kept both hands on the steering wheel, rapping my thumbs unconsciously against it. Peering through the windscreen I wondered if coming here was a mistake.

Nix was strapped in his chair next to me, drooling and gurgling. "You ready Buddy?" About to get out, my phone vibrated with an incoming call and I grabbed it from the centre console.

Ah, shit.

It was Beth.

We'd left right after Nix had finished his bottle, sneaking out like the worst kind of coward whilst she was still upstairs in my bed, sleeping.

I needed space.

Lots of fucking space.

But I would not ignore her calls because that would be shitty. Swiping my finger, I pressed it to my ear. "Hey," I tried to sound casual.

"Oh, hey." Her tone was hesitant. "I got up, and you were both gone." I bit the inside of my cheek as she asked, "Is everything alright, Chris?"

Not wanting this conversation over the phone, I cleared my throat and lied. "Oh, did I not mention I was returning some of Gracie's things that Riley and Adam had borrowed us?"

"Oh, right. No. I don't recall you saying anything."

"Yeah, well. Adam mentioned it the other day, and today is as good a day as any."

I hoped she bought the lie and her change in tone told me she had. "If you would have waited, I could have helped." Nix gurgled, kicking his little legs. He wanted out.

"What time will you be back? I could make us breakfast and we could talk. Y'know, about—" she lowered her voice as if worried someone might hear us talking. "—Last night."

And that took my mind right back to what I'd been trying to avoid thinking about. Beth, in my bed.

But as soon as she lifted the lid on that box, it drowned my brain with images and feelings, leaving me weak-willed when my body reacted, making me hate myself a little more when my dick hardened in my jeans.

"I'm not sure what time." I swallowed past the growing lump in my throat. "Adam asked if I wanted to..." I had to try and think on my feet, although technically I was sitting down. "Play a round of golf with him."

"Oh, and they will let you take Nix along?"

Shit, I never thought of that and mentally slapped myself and switched directions. "Hey, why don't you take the whole day off. Do something fun. Relax?" She's hardly taken a day off since she moved in. On top of everything else. I was a shitty employer.

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