Chapter 28

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~ ~ Beth ~ ~

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~ ~ Beth ~ ~

The sounds of lively music hitched a ride on the warm southern breeze, accompanied by the golden hues of the evening sun. I'd had an amazing day and as well as my family surprising me. Friends had also shown up including Riley, Adam, sweet baby Gracie, Maddy and her doting husbands.

I reckoned the memory of today would last long after the party had ended.

It was fair to say this might be the best birthday ever... well, almost.

The only hiccup was not bein' able to share it openly with Chris. Couldn't plant a kiss on him or hold his hand like I wanted.

And now, amidst the laughter and chatter, I found myself standing on the sidelines, watching Chris engrossed in conversation with Claire. Their words were lost to me, and my inability to read lips added to my frustration.

I had asked April earlier about Jamie's and Chris's strained relationship, but she had dismissed it, leaving me with unanswered questions.

Was Claire the cause of their rift?

Memories of those pictures I stumbled upon flooded my mind, vivid and relentless. The way Chris's eyes had lingered on Claire sparked a twinge of jealousy, setting my insides ablaze with an unsettling mix of emotions.

Was it possible he had been in love with her? And if so, why had he never mentioned it? What was the big secret?

I blinked my lashes rapidly to clear my eyes as they exchanged smiles and my imagination ran wild with thoughts of shared inside jokes and memories that predated my presence in Chris's life. The fear of not measuring up gnawed at me, overshadowing our own secret bond.

I knew it was crazy, but I couldn't help it.

Another minute went by and I debated approaching them, but before I could make a move, my brother appeared before me, blocking my view of Chris and Claire.

"Here you are, sis!" Beck flashed a mischievous grin, brandishing his plate piled high with cake like it was his prized possession.

I batted my eyelashes in mock disbelief. "Got enough cake there? Leave any for the rest of us?"

He chuckled. "Well, y'know, people are starving in the world, and it's my duty not to let any go to waste."

I smirked. "Ah, the noble cause of preventing cake wastage."

Beck leaned in with a conspiratorial gleam in his eye. "That, and I may or may not have made a little wager with Hazel. Let's just say, she bet that I couldn't finish an entire cake by myself. Challenge accepted!"

I burst into laughter. "Well, I reckon if you manage to gobble down that whole cake, you'll be sweeter than a peach cobbler in July and twice as full! Just don't come cryin' to me when your belt feels tighter than a tick on a hound dog!"

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