Chapter 12

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~ ~ Chris ~ ~

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~ ~ Chris ~ ~

With my phone pressed to my ear. I waited to be connected. They called this music?

Groaning, I had been up since four in the morning, when I woke up with a dick as hard as stone from dreaming about Beth. This time she was climbing out of my pool wearing a bikini indecent enough to tempt a monk.

Ugh. I dragged my hand down my face, cursing silently. Having Beth here was doing a number on my head. Both when I was awake and asleep.

I couldn't escape her. The once sanctuary of my home had become my prison.

Everywhere I turned, she's there. Reminding me of all the things I want and couldn't have.


I spun around and my mom came to an abrupt stop as she spotted the mobile phone. With Nix in her arms, she mouthed sorry and headed back out the way she came.

Turning back, I approached the window and tried to block out the music whilst I waited. I knew he said he would contact me, but I couldn't wait.

Finally, I heard a click. "Chris," Dr Derrick Lipstadt, an old college buddy greeted me from the other side.

"Hey," I said, staring outside onto my driveway, wondering when Beth would be back. My eyes wandered across the street to spot the Holt's son...Andy or Aaron? Pretty Boy was more fitting a name as he mowed his parent's front lawn.

"I thought we agreed I would call you if there was any change," Derrick said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"No, you agreed," I said drily, to which I heard him grumble. "How is she?"

Silence, and then he sighed. "Same as yesterday and the day before that. No change."

It's obvious his patience was wearing thin and if the shoe was on the other foot, I'd be the same. I rubbed my temple, wondering what else I could do.

"We have a meeting at the end of the week to discuss options."

I know what he meant by options, and my fingers halted their movement and my guts churned, making the brunch my mom made me shift uncomfortably.

"Her condition isn't improving, Chris, you know that. And I'm sorry to say it's not going to. It's time to let her go. Her family is fully aware. The money has run out, and the insurance is not gonna cover everything—"

Cutting in. "I told you money is not a problem. I can write you a cheque right now." I'd offered to cover her costs once the insurance ran out. I had money set aside from some patents on the medical equipment I'd designed and sold. Working at a world-pioneering hospital had its advantages.

"Chris," he sighed. "Look—"

"You're not pulling the plug." Panic and anger drove my insistence. "You can't kill her."

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