Chapter 13

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~ ~ Beth ~ ~

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~ ~ Beth ~ ~

I gently lifted Nix out of the car seat. Our trip into Lockwood had tired him out and he'd fallen fast asleep on the drive home.

Chris was working today, having agreed to cover a colleague because of some emergency.

These last few days had been uneventful. Me and Chris were getting along fine, talking, but avoiding all and any conversations about us.

Thankfully, he hadn't invited Heather back since she came over for dinner two nights ago. And oh, boy, she hadn't looked happy when she was going home. I think she was hoping for more than just dinner and his sparkling conversation.

And whatever the reason Chris didn't want her to stay over, I was grateful for it.

Walking toward the front door, I spotted a box sitting on the doorstep. It had a fancy bow around it and a note slipped underneath. I carefully bent down and plucked it free.

The note read: Do not open till later. It's a surprise. Love Riley Jo xx

Okaaaay. What was she up to?

Making sure not to wake Nix, I opened the front door and then bent down to pick up the box. It felt light as a feather. Inside the house, I gently teased the door shut with my foot and headed upstairs with Nix and the box.

In my room, I put the box on the bed and then settled Nix into his mobile cot, happy I didn't wake him.

Looking at the box, I fished inside my jeans pocket for my phone. Shooting off a text to Riley, she replied straight away, reminding me not to peek inside the box and I could only open it when it was the right time... and I would know when that was.

It was all very cryptic, and I wondered if it had anything to do with Chris.

Not having time to think it out, I knew it wouldn't be long till Nix woke up and today was the day I was gonna make a start on his bedroom. Chris had agreed I could personalise it, make it baby-friendly—and what better way than to add a little colour?

Quickly changing into some old jeans shorts and a vest, I grabbed my sketchbook that had all my ideas inside and my box of art supplies. Inside Nix's room, I cleared some space along one wall. I'd already decided on a dinosaur theme for one wall and on the other a rocket. I mean, all kids loved rockets and dinosaurs, right?

So hitting up some tunes on my phone, I got to work, and it didn't take long before the outline of a life-size sketch took shape.

Standing back to assess what I'd done so far, I felt a tickle making its way around my waist. I jumped, gasped and almost had a mini-heart attack.

Spinning around, I saw Chris was behind me. "Chris—are you trying to kill me!!"

"Scare you, sweetheart?" he teased, grinning from ear to ear and lightly jabbing me in the ribs before he seemed to realise what he was doing and stepped back, clearing his throat.

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